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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
I present modern and beautiful purple Vip Nightclub. The facade of the club is traditional and very elegant but the inside is very modern. The club has two bar counters, many tables where you can sit and chat comfortably, lots of extra seats, a swimming pool on the patio area.For the presentation I used the 50/40 lot in Britechester, where the library is located. You can use a different lot, even 40/30, but you have to remember to properly center the murals in the building. Move the plot sideways to place the mural well. Enjoy!
Custom Content was used.
Please read about the spotlights and how to place a mural properly in the Notice Tab carefully!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1546262
ItemID: 1546262
Filesize: 320 KB
All spotlights to function properly ( I used Tmex - TOOL Mod ), which are - tiny two lights next to the VIP Club sign on the front building plus two spotlights on the patio roof plus 4 black little spotlights on the 1st floor ceiling in the main room in the middle must be taken outside the building - NOT COPY them - just take them outside! - you have to turn off the light on them in live mode and turning on the purple or pink colour,then put them back in their places.
Make sure your game is fully updated.
I have installed packs:
Expansion Pack
Get To Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Get Famous
Island Living
Eco Lifestyle
Discover University
Snowy Escape
Game Pack
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine Out
Jungle Adventure
Stuff Pack
Luxury Party
Perfect Patio
Cool Kitchen
Romantic Garden
Kids Room
Vintage Glamour
Tiny Living
Holiday Celebration Stuff
Grim's Ghoulish Guitar
Cheats I've used:
To install this house into your game:
- download the house
- unzip files
- copy house files and paste them loosely ( without subfolders ) into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
- all CC - objects from Reuired Tab go to the Mods folder.
CC's needed for this house - Please read in the Required Tab.
How to add a mural to a wall properly :
- when you place a mural on a wall the game will choose the starting point of the mural itself and you will unfortunately have no influence on that.
- to solve that, you should choose a bigger lot than necessary for the house so that you can move it in any direction whole lot with house to fit mural in the room, to start at the point you want it to.
Credits: All TSR Artists!
- Value: 177191
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: Other
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Rioja Kitchen 2
- The Perfect Night Pilar Bicoca TableLamp
- Pilar PicnicTable
- The Perfect Night Pilar Timeless EndTable
- The Perfect Night Pilar Timeless LivingChair
- The Perfect Night Pilar Timeless Loveseat
- The Perfect Night Pilar Timeless Loveseat3
- The Perfect Night Pilar Tmeless Loveseat2
- The Perfect Night Pilar Coconut Cream
- The Perfect Night Pilar Juice Blue
- The Perfect Night Pilar Juice MaiTai
- The Perfect Night Pilar Juice Manhattan
- The Perfect Night Pilar Juice Martini
- The Perfect Night Pilar Louxor Bambu
- The Perfect Night Pilar Louxor Barstool
- The Perfect Night Pilar Louxor ChairDining
- The Perfect Night Pilar Louxor ChairDiningL
- The Perfect Night Pilar Louxor TableDining
- The Perfect Night Pilar Louxor TableDiningL