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Created for: The Sims 4
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Believe me when I say that this is the room my Sims go to ALL THE frigging TIME! The view from this room is spectacular, and that;s the reason I made it into a studio, with a spare bed. I don't have much to say about this room. It is what it is! Spectacular!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1529163
ItemID: 1529163
Filesize: 86 KB
The room is designed for The Squealing Mermaid Boathouse lot (which I will upload at the end of this series). If you plan on placing this room in the Boathouse lot, please check for any double windows and/or doors, or anything up against the walls.
I own all of the Stuff, Game and Expansion Packs that are currently available on Origin (20 February 2021)
For this room you will need: Eco Lifestyle,Paradise Living, Get Famous, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together and Laundry Day Stuff.
I removed one wall piece between the spare room and the landing. You can leave it open or just close it off as intended.
I used the cheats bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects and debug. Please use at least the bb.moveobjects before placing the lot. After downloading and installing, the rooms can be found in My Library, under the Advanced tab. Make sure to check include custom content.
Credits: All wonderful CC artists at TSR
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- [Agata diningroom] - vase
- Xenia Decor. Leaf, v2
- Xenia. Vases
- Walton Clutter Book Standing Tall Left
- Walton Clutter Book Standing Tall Right
- Newport DecoFish
- Newport Surfboard
- We Just Click Photo Collage Set
- [Dakota kidsroom] - bed blanket
- Alex Decor. Compass
- Zoe, part 2. Blinds
- Dreams - Wall decor Patreon
- Bedroom Industry Deco Floorframes
- Kohlery Rug
- Old Skool Rug