123valy (3586603)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (32 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Villa Pietri
Published Jun 2, 2011
About Me
I make lots and most of the time i get inspired from my favorites games like Tomb Raider and Monkey Island . I like the idea to bring my favourite games into The Sims world I usually make Lots and Tombs for myself and just about a month ago I decided to share all my work with you, hope you enjoy it. Thank you for visiting my home page!
xx Valirya xx
My Guestbook Show All
corona11Apr 28, 2013
hi i downloaded mount olympus but i am stuk at the first floor at the two gate i have the moon stone could you help me please
Dunbar AliApr 26, 2013
Hi 123valy. I'm not a newbie on Sims 3 but after recently downloading the Tomb Raider part 1 Opera House tomb, I have to admit I'm stuck!! Tell me, how on earth do you just get into the tomb? Is it via the front door? I've clambered up the firemans pole to the top round the back but once inside, neither the camera or my character go any further in. Stuck. Please help.
Deborah du ToitJan 27, 2013
Could you do some more Tomb Raider adventures please? Absolutely adore them. Have a Lara Croft with maxed skills all ready to explore.