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AbsintheBess's Guestbook

heislordNov 12, 2009

Thanks for your comment on my house "The Valencia".  I hope you enjoy it.

Audrey MayNov 12, 2009

Believe it or not but my username was the name of my basset hound, not the one in my profile but the one I owned before that! \:lol\:

fredbrennyNov 12, 2009

Hi ya Bessie!!! Thanks for reading the Legend!!! The stories all come together somehow... It's a saga I would say! Glad you liked it! Have a good one (Day!!!) Hugggs, Fred

shaml_sim Nov 11, 2009

Hi there Bess! Thank you very much for taking the time to read and comment on my new story, A Night to Remember \:\) It's much appreciated and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I hope you have a lovely day...\:D

IllandryaNov 11, 2009

Hi Bess! I'm glad you enjoyed the latest chapter of Alyssa's story. I'm almost sorry I made the decision to end this, but I've got four other stories running around my head that I want to get out. \:eek\:  - ps, I love your banner!

DLMETZLER3Nov 11, 2009

Thanks for the love AbsintheBess! I'm so glad you like my legacy. Happy Simming!

martoeleNov 11, 2009

Hello Bessie. Thanks for commenting the Intro to the "Another Point Of View" story. I just started it thinking about 2 chapters and when it was finished people asked me to write more about her. Now 7 part are published and number 8 is submitted. I think, I will write 2 more chapters. Have a nice week! \:\)

Jennifer_RNov 11, 2009

Hey Bess! Things are good thanks, how are you? It's so hot in melb, yey! I went for a run last night just before the sun went down and it was so nice. There was a cool breeze so it wasn't that hot. My boyfriend and I may go for a drive on the weekend. We are looking at buying some land and we saw a few properties online so we might check them out. Other than that not much planned. What about you? I'm really looking forward the xmas holidays. I have two weeks off and I'm counting down now! lol We just got wireless internet. So I understand about the loading process as ours was pretty slow before hand. \:\) \:wub\:

kanzenNov 10, 2009

Hey Bess ^^ thank you so much for the support *hugs*. I'd also like you to know that I have NO intention of stopping whatsoever...I'm just not in the mood to shoot them yet (I'm also extremely busy and I currently have a cold) LOL. That Thabill jerk doesn't deserve a split-second of my awesomeness and we all know that XD I have a thoery about him too. I think he's a guy. Coz...he has LESBIAN sims in his game - the hypocrite. However he thinks homosexuals are disgusting. It's the same as a guy thinking two girls are hot and gay guys are not.

IllandryaNov 9, 2009

Hey Bess! Really? no one else picked up the snooping? Interesting! Trying to get Alyssa out, but work is being a pain - working 'til 9pm on Friday and same time Sunday then having to rock up again at 7 on Monday morning is enough to fry anyone's brain! I now have all my screenshots so will hopefully get it uploaded some time in the next 24 hours - after that, it's up to TSR \:D

BleedingDesperationNov 9, 2009

Thanks for replying, I was told that only select and featured artists can upload items as a set \:\( I guess that's why it doesn't work for me. Thanks though \:\)

lug12Nov 9, 2009

 Thanks for the heads up on Apple's new chapters.  I'm about to go check them out now.  If they're anything like the others, they should be good. 

fredbrennyNov 8, 2009

I guess I'll check your stories out tomorrow (at work I'm afraid to say...LOL) Just got back from Venice and I'm still unpacking. Should be in bed now, but I guess I'll be a little longer! I'm glad you went ahead with Apple! I'll be back with my comments tomorrow dear!

IllandryaNov 8, 2009

Hey Bess! Congrats on getting your chapters published. Unfortunately I had to work all weekend and by the time I got home last night I just wanted to go to bed. Should be home in plenty of time tonight (tender is due in at 2pm, so I'm outta there as soon after as is polite) --- looking forward to it!

Golden97Nov 8, 2009

I just read the Apple chapters, they were gr8 \:\)

martoeleNov 8, 2009

Thank you Bessie. I will read them right away... \:\)

kalirinahNov 8, 2009

hiya \:\) thanks for letting me know that the apple story goes on \;\) I don´t see the stories updates ... have a great day \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Nov 8, 2009

Hey Bess, story is Fantastic...\:wub\:

Jennifer_RNov 8, 2009

Hi Bess! Your banner looks awesome! \:rah\: Well done. It looks like you worked it all out, yes? I've seen cashcrafts banner on someone else's page before and then I reloaded the page and their banner appeared. Is that something to do with the cookies? How has your weekend been? It was really hot in Melb but I'm loving it! \:\) I'll check your stories out tomorrow when I'm at work. Chow for now! \:wub\:

twin2162Nov 8, 2009

Hi, I do know where you are coming from... My goodness, I'd sit for hours building a cool house, then think, Now what? lol I get bored easyily as well... Ah, one day I will attempt to sit and have a play... though the last time I did that I started at 10am and finished at 1am!! whoops... lol I am 20. Along with my twin sister! But I actually run the site and make the creations, we set it up ages ago and she has had nothing to do with it since (except for downloads). Twin2162 aka Caitlin.

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