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AbsintheBess's Guestbook

twin2162Nov 8, 2009

Hey, I've been to brisbane twice in the last few years, I love it there, but too hot for me, and I went in July! lol It rains most of the time here on the west coast, but I love it! I am like you, I spent a fortune on the Ep games, and I dont even play it much, when I do think of the sims its usually just creating things... so far I have attempted to do 3generations. But I put cheats on so they would grow up faster, but I got bored after I made the second generation pregnant!! I'm the type who likes to play a new sim everyday... but even that is too much effort seems I'm working full time! I didnt even know you could turn into a warwolf and a vampire? lol I bought a box set and the little book thing you get was on disk, and I couldnt be bothered reading it... so I got a nasty shock when I met one. Anywho... have fun playing sims 3 (which I havent got yet, I played sims1 inside and out before I got sims2, so I feel bad about moving on to sims3 when I havent gone through sims2 yet)   Caitlin

Foxi_iveyNov 7, 2009

I love ur stories, they r so cool\:rah\:

Foxi_iveyNov 7, 2009

what I meant by that question was that how did you change her from regular to green?

twin2162Nov 7, 2009

Hey Bess, thanks for your comment on my screenshot "upcoming items" they were finally uploaded today!! Yay! have a look if you like them (really bad display photo but they look awsome) Where from Australia are you?, I'm from Tasmania!   thanks again xx

cazaruptNov 6, 2009

Hey! Well done for finally uploading those lots - they are great! And I saw one got featured too! \:D It was on the front page today!

cazaruptNov 6, 2009

Hey! Well done for finally uploading those lots - they are great! And I saw one got featured too! \:D It was on the front page today!

BrandonTRNov 6, 2009

Hi, Thank You So Much For Your Comment On My Set! \:wub\: Have A Nice Day \:\)

BBKZNov 6, 2009

Hello \:\) I'd like to thank you for all amazing comments on my screenshots. I'm very happy you like them. Hope you're having wonderful day \:\) Barb

Jennifer_RNov 6, 2009

Hey Bess, I know what you mean about the EA items. But I just can't resist using them otherwise there is hardly anything to use for your lot. I get bored of using the same things over and over again. It is such a nice day in melbourne today, sunny, warm and it's Friday! \:D oh gosh I can't believe you worked for Sunsorp Bank because I work for the company that supplies their uniforms! We supply all the major banks uniforms & a thousand other companies. I want to see the Time Travellers Wife too. I love Rachel McAdams, she's so lovely. We will probaly just download it though. Shhh. \:confused\: Not much planned for the wkend, my little nephew is turning one so my sis is having a little party for him on Sunday. Thats about it really, oh and some simming of course! What about you? \;\)

Peachybitz1Nov 5, 2009

yay..\:D..will do..

IllandryaNov 5, 2009

The language thing is bizarre, isn't it? I was the complete opposite with Cheerios. As a born and bred Queenslander when I first heard they had named a cereal after my favourite party food I'm like "who on earth eats cheerios for breakfast?" But I'm hooked on the breakfast version, which reminds me, I have run out! Don't lose heart over having your story rejected, it happens \:\) The first part of my story was rejected because it broke the rules, but I changed a scene and resubmitted it and it's all good now.

Jennifer_RNov 5, 2009

Thanks for your lovely comments on the other chapters of my story. And yes it was a coincidence that I used the same names, Grandpa George & Grandma Josephine, from Charlie & the chocolate factory. I love that movie too! I think it may have been a sub-conscience decsion though. At least they didn't have a son name charlie! Ha ha ha! \:P \:\)

FreemousseNov 5, 2009

Thank you for downloading my Tintin pattern and a great thank you for your very nice comment \:wub\: Have a sweet happy week\:\)

Jennifer_RNov 5, 2009

Yes I can't wait for the wkend! \:ph34r\: It's meant to be in the 30's this wkend & early next week. Yey! Hopefully we get our spa fixed and then we can relax in there over the wkend. It looks nice outside today, I don't really get to see the weather as I sit in an office allday. But sometimes I go out at lunch for some fresh air. \:P My lot will be cc free but I think there are a few EA items in there. \:\)  

Midnight222Nov 5, 2009

Glad you re submitted it! I look forward to reading more .... as for the PG 13 .... Im not sure why the site is rated as that ..... you could ask in the forum! best wishes Kaz

Jennifer_RNov 5, 2009

Hi Bess, awww...thanks for reading chapter 9 of my story \:wub\: .......and for getting up to date! lol I just had a geza at your new lots and you've done a really great job on them. I'm hoping to submit a lot this week too. Have a great day! \;\)

fredbrennyNov 5, 2009

Good for you! I will be in Venice till Sunday. But I will definitely look out for more of Apple!

Queenie1988Nov 4, 2009

\:rah\: Thank you for your nice comment \:\)

IllandryaNov 4, 2009

Hi Bess! As a bona fide born and bred Aussie how could I possibly have used any other term but "wag school" \:D Thanks for leaving your comments, they are always appreciated. PS - I'm sorry to hear you haven't been well \:\(

wyomingmamaNov 4, 2009

thanks for letting me know that you liked my Canyon House. I'm so glad you liked it and appreciate your comment.

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