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AbsintheBess's Guestbook

martoeleJan 13, 2010

Hello Mae. Thank you very much for sending a message and telling the galleries were new. I really appreciate it to know a bit more about your backgrounds. Hugs. Margo.

Peachybitz1Jan 13, 2010

thank you for sharing the pics with us \:wub\: but you should also post one of you \:\) unless you don't want to \:\)

Jennifer_RJan 13, 2010

Hi Mae, how are you going? I hope the funeral went well and that you and your family are doing okay. Bess' profile page is looking great. I love the new banner and avatar pic. The description you've written is very sweet also. \:wub\: Thanks for the poll, I like it when there are two or more questions to answer. Wishing you a great day! \;\)

Peachybitz1Jan 12, 2010

And Diana is an absolute sweetie ...\:wub\:...just don't believe anything she says about me \:D

Peachybitz1Jan 12, 2010

Hi Mae \:D, the white border actually does fit the style, a lot of the pods have a border in white \;\) , so that's great \:\)I love the font, and chose that one because of the font \;\) ..I like things to be a little bit different \:P And Gosh, you made me smile when you said I was nice \:D \;\) ...not something I am accused of often \:D....Nice...hmmm...well chocolate cake is nice \;\)...\:D ...hope your day is going well \:wub\:

martoeleJan 12, 2010

Hi Mae. I just saw the new avatar. I like it. \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Jan 11, 2010

Hey Mae \:D......what do you think? \:D \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Jan 11, 2010

Hi Mae \:D, they're all beautiful...I especially love the 3rd one, love the font and the stars are fab...I've purchased the banner with my kudos, so I'm all set \:wub\:... thank you so much for doing that for me \:wub\: I have fiddled around with photoshop and illustrator before, but have neither installed on my current pc as I don't create anything for the sims that would use those programs, and frankly I wouldn't have time \:D ....so, thank you again for thinking of me \;\) they're lovely \:wub\:

dltn43Jan 11, 2010

Hey there Mae,  Saw the banners you made for my sweet friend Peachy.  They are all really really nice.  You did a great job Mae!!   \:\)   \:wub\:   Diana

dltn43Jan 11, 2010

Mae, I am so very sorry to hear that your sister Bess has passed away!  \:\(  We didn't know each other and I am sorry for that as well.  She sounds like a very wonderful and sweet outspoken and caring person.  I can't say that I understand how you must feel with Bess gone, yet I am so very saddened by her passing just reading all of these GB entries.  I am not sure that I could be as strong and loving as you if I were in your situation, what with you continuing Bess' legacy here.  I don't know how you do it that I am so in awe of your kind and loving spirit.  That is one of the things that I haven't done here at TSR......reading everyone stories........but this one I am looking forward to....the story that you are going to create about Bess' life. Mae, please take your time with all that you want to accomplish and take time for yourself and your family in the coming weeks.  Unless of course this is what keeps you going!  \:\)  My deepest sympathies go out with all my heart to you and your family.  If you ever need a friend to talk with.........I am here for you Mae!  \:\)  Please take care Mae!  My prayers and hopes and wishes are with you and Bess and your family.  Great Big Hugs And Much Love,  Diana  \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Jan 11, 2010

\:wub\:..Hi again \:\)..I just keep popping up don't I \;\) thank you for the lovely comment on my blog, about my new lot \;\)

Peachybitz1Jan 11, 2010

Hi Mae \:D, I have been thinking about getting a banner..but..i don't know...I'd have to have a think about it, don't know what I'd put on it! \:D \;\)

Peachybitz1Jan 10, 2010

Hi there Mae, I've noticed that Bess's Avatar has changed.. gave me a bit of a surprise...but it's absolutely lovely \:wub\:

PenelopeTJan 10, 2010

Hi Mae, I just wanted to give you my sincere condolences. Topaz and Jennifer are dear friends and I read mention of your sister Bess's passing in their GB. It is a very sweet and lovely thing that you are doing in keeping her memory alive here. May God bless and keep you and your family during this time. ~ Penelope \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 9, 2010

Hi Mae, Thank you so much for calling by my guessbook, I think it is such a beautiful thing that your doing in writing a story about Bess, but it will be so completely heartbreaking for you doing this, so I would just like to say that you can count on all of my support all of the time, and please think of me as a friend whom you can lean on at any time, my heart does go out to you and all your family, I do agree with what others have said here about taking your time to write this story, give yourself some time first, as you need to take care of yourself during this this very hard and difficult time, Bess will be so moved and proud of what your doing, lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

martoeleJan 9, 2010

Hello Mae. You are a very brave woman that you're taking up where your sister left us. It will be hard for you to write her lifestory. However I think it's a good way of understanding exactly how your sister was comforted by being so creative. I think it helped her a lot during those last months. I give you a very warm welcome and here you've got a friend in me. Hugs from Margo.

fredbrennyJan 9, 2010

A big welcome to you Mae! I miss her on the site, but for you it must be heartbreaking to miss her in your life. I think it is so sweet of you to keep AbsintheBess alive thru Bessies stories, and I think it is absolutely wonderfuland brave you are going to do a story on Bess. But as Judy said, don't feel rushed and please take your time and I definitely keep my eye out for you Mae! Welcome\:wub\:

IllandryaJan 9, 2010

Hi Mae, you will be welcomed into this community with open arms, of that I am sure \:\) Bess made an impact here and it is good to know that there will be someone to continue her legacy. There were days when Bess and I would have "conversations" through the guestbook - not the most convenient or speedy way, but I think it helped me to know her a little bit. I look forward to reading your story about her, but please don't feel pressured to rush it as I am sure it will not be an easy task. I thought you should know that I will be dedicating my next story to her memory \:\)

Peachybitz1Jan 9, 2010

Mae, it sounds like a wonderful idea, and when you finish it I would love to read it...even though the people on here have never met face to face because of the time we spend together we all consider ourselves friends and it's heart wrenching to know that I won't see her around here anymore...I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, but I will be thinking of you and your family and I will be especially thinking of Bess...I have her bookmarked on my profile page and it will always remind me of her as her avatar is one of the first things I see on here everyday. love to you all.

RosaleenaJan 7, 2010

TSR storytelling will not be the same without you... Mae, my deepest sympathies are with you. I have just heard about Bessie. I'm so very sorry. A dedicated section will be in the latest edition of TSS Magazine (Margo's lovely idea). I am glad to hear you will be continuing Bessies' legacy. I'm sure Bess would have loved that. Bless you  

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