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Adele_SimMaker's Blog

Taken WA off for now. LOL!

It was giving me too much of a headache trying to work out which mods made the stupid thing freeze and which ones didn't, and it seems to me that the slider hack I use to make more dramatic facial features is the very thing that makes WA freeze up, and I can't LIVE without that! LOL! I'm going to wait until there is a definitive answer to my problems with regards to WA, like a patch or a mod or SOMETHING, so everything works! So, will be playing and creating from the base game for now.

Plan of action is... a bid to try and get more of my CC working, I'm going to uninstall and reinstall both Sims 3 and World Adventures then put my mods in little by little (I'm going to save the family I am currently playing with as well, of course) and see whether that works. I'm absolutely desperate to get my slider hacks working again because I feel really lost with making Sims without them. It's just not right. LOL!

Really excited because tonight is the night that I am going to be seeing Alice Cooper in concert. I'm dressed and ready really early and now, I'm kind of twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the next 45 minutes or so to disappear because then the taxi will be picking me and my Mum up to go and see him! Will have to keep pinching myself to make sure it's real - I'm trying so hard not to have a complete girly freakout about it! LOL!

Btw, I haven't made any CC and been a little sluggish in updating at the moment because I've been having some personal problems which have really taken the strength and the creativity out of me and I just havent had the energy nor the desire to even attempt at making a Sim or any clothes lately. I'm hoping that this concert tonight will help me feel a lot better and hopefully, I can start making CC again within the next day or two. Please still keep checking back on the page to see what's happening-something will appear eventually! LOL!



Just tried that idea that I found on the forum and it didn't make the faintest inch of a difference. Game ended up freezing at the loading screen as usual. Now that I know that idea doesn't work, it's royally starting to bug me now, so if anyone has had any success at all with getting all of their custom content back in working order, please, please, PLEASE reply under this post and tell me what to do!

Just installed World Adventures...

...and like many of you here, some of my custom content works and some of it doesn' hair, slider hacks, most stuff from sites other than TSR DOESN'T work. Stuff from TSR seems to work absolutely fine. For the moment, I am fine with this because I just want to explore WA a bit before I worry about custom content and, just in case, I have found a solution for how to get all of the CC working from the forums here. Haven't tried it out yet, but will do during the next few days and will report back for those who are still stuck about whether it works or not.


What it says to do is:

Copy the entire Mod folder and Resource.cfg file to where WA is installed and to also copy d3dx9_31.dll into the Game/Bin folder.


The only problem I have with this solution is that I have already tried putting my Mod folder and my Resource.cfg file over to WA, but it is the .cfg file that makes everything freeze up. Saying that, I have tried this without putting over the .dll file, so maybe it is something as simple as that which is making everything freeze up.

If anyone has heard any other way for how to get the complete lot of CC working on WA, please, please, PLEASE would you comment under this blog entry and whether you have tried the method and whether it works or not, please? I'll be fine without my hair mods and slider hacks for a little while, but give it about a week and I'll be going stir crazy without them. LOL!

Making some more stuff today-don't worry! LOL!

Going to be making some new clothes today...had a couple of days off from designing because I've recently got a new laptop and been transferring stuff over from one to the other and that's taken quite a bit of time. Plus, yesterday, I had a problem getting TSR Workshop to work on my new laptop, so had to sort that little technical difficulty out.

I've already made some new Sims to put up when I next upload...all that remains for me to do, really, is to install PSP back onto my laptop so then I can take screen captures of the Sims/new clothes etc for my previews. Doesn't seem to want to do it on Photoshop at the moment. *shrugs*

Just been picking up some new pictures from Google Images for inspiration for future projects...still focussing on pretty cute some Kirby, Pokemon, Morph and Moomins. Hopefully. by the end of today, I will have made some things that are good enough to post and hopefully will be approved overnight.

Just moved to a new laptop... that is why I don't have any upcoming items yet! LOL! I just need to get everything I need to create things over to my new laptop and then I can start creating again! Yay! My laptop that I was working on before was broke like no one would believe, so it really is such a relief to have one where everything works for a change. LOL!

Will try and post some things either later today or tomorrow. Soz for the wait!


If anybody has any ideas of items of clothing I could make and/or themes for my future clothing, please post under this blog entry with your ideas and suggestions, and if possible, pictures of clothing and/or themes that you want included or using in the texturing of the clothing.

Thinking I may post a new poll up later on today asking what people want to see more of with regards to clothing etc from me as well.

Hopefully, today, I am going to start dabbling in editing meshes in Milkshape. URK! I'm sure I'll come out with some...err...interesting results. Should be fun though.

I already have two new pieces of clothing held back and ready to post when I next do an update (which should either be later today or tomorrow) a few ideas of my own to make into clothing, make some more Sims and then do a big, supersized update!!!

OMG! Past 25,000 downloads!!! Thankyou!!!

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou to everyone who has downloaded and/or commented on my creations!!! It makes me so happy to see that my Sims (and now CC) is well recieved and that people actually like what I make!!! Thank you all again!!!


BTW, uploading working again, so waiting for my latest submissions to be reviewed and yay, I have a name change, so people know my real name! LOL!

Having problems uploading AGAIN!

Sent an enquiry to the Support Team...everytime I try and upload something, an error comes up and I have tried uploading Sims and clothes and neither will upload because of this error.

I currently have about 5 or 6 Sims to upload and 4 or 5 new pieces of clothing (varying in quality because I was trying out different types of images on my tees) and it's just so dang frustrating not being able to upload any of it. Hope this problem is resolved really quickly.

Another point of interest as will, I've requested for my username to be changed because I'm fed up of being called Jeff everytime I get feedback for my work. LOL! That's actually my Dad's name that the account was registered under years ago. I;ve asked for my account username to include my name and be one of the following:




Hopefully, that should underline to every one that my name isn't Jeff at all and that it is, in fact, Adele. LOL!

Will be keeping an eye on TSR during the day and will keep attempting to upload my CC. Hope it works. Everyone, cross your fingers for me!

Submitted my first item of clothing for TS3!

It's just a simple t-shirt, but I followed the tutorial I used word for word and was very careful, so I was able to program in channels, so it's fully recolourable! I think my brain's going to turn to mush after all of that concentration. I seriously, SERIOUSLY admire you guys who are making clothes all of the time - I guess it's probably second nature to you when you've been making clothes for a while, but when you're first starting out like me, your brain is screaming for help! LOL!

I made a few mistakes, which led to some weird, strange results to begin with, but thankfully, I was able to retrace my steps, keep calm and try again. I was even able to use what I had learned in the tutorial thus far, and complete the t-shirt in a slightly different way. Kind of add my own little twist to the whole thing.

Waiting for it to be approved now...I don't see that I've fluffed it up in any way, so hopefully, it'll be approved without any problems...keep watching my Upcoming Items box for the preview. Any feedback, as always, is appreciated!

Going to give my poor brain a rest and make some easy Sims to upload to here now. LOL!

Latest Headlines

Taken WA off for now. LOL! Plan of action is... IF YOU KNOW HOW TO GET ALL CC... Just installed World Adventures... Making some more stuff... Just moved to a new laptop... Suggestions? Ideas? PLEASE REPLY... OMG! Past 25,000 downloads!!!... Having problems uploading AGAIN! Submitted my first item of...
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