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Adele_SimMaker's Blog

Just submitted first CC for TS3!!! Griiiiin!!

Yes, I worked it out! FINALLY! Didn't really help that the majority of my day yesterday was taken up by trying to fix TS3 in the first place...still got a load of CC to put back where it was before, but I have more than enough installed to make decent enough Sims to upload for the time being...anyway, here is a preview of my makeup that I have just submitted for review:



It may not look like much compared to other CC that is on the site these days, but for a first attempt, I'm pretty proud of what I achieved!


Please let me know what you think!

Fixed it...after six hours...

Fixed TS3...thank god...I can't believe I've been trying to fix it for the past six hours or so. Now, I have to install all of the sims3pack files back to where they were...without Merlin...which is going to take an age, but hey, at least this way, I know my CC is going to work when I boot TS3 up afterwards.

Will try and put back as much of the custom stuff as I can and if I'm not sick and tired of seeing the Launcher screen by then, I may make a Sim or two.

Today has been a very trying day. LOL!

I worked out what I did wrong with uploading my Sims 2 CC, but...

I'm having to re-install TS3. Groan.

I downloaded Merlin the other day, installed it today and well, it screwed all my CC up. Not a very happy bunny.

My disc drive is on its last legs as it is and I'm currently having to force it to struggle and install TS3 for me again because of that silly program. I'd much rather put up with the slow installation than have to go through all of this rubbish again.

Anyway, I've uploaded my vest top and lipstick to be reviewed again-and yes, I worked out I was completely uploading the wrong files before. It's such a simple mistake to make now I realise what I did wrong.

Will be making more Sims after re-installing TS3...may take the next month or two. LOL! My disc drive is seriously broken!

Just sent 4 Sims for review...

...hopefully, they will get approved, and I'm relieved that my UpComing Items Pod on my minisite isn't going to be empty for much longer! LOL! Watch that space!

Reason there are no Upcoming Items.

Been rather slow on the upkeep of my UpComing Items these past couple of days, I know. The reason is because the other night, my beloved hamster, Munch, who is the only hamster I have bonded with immediatley from seeing her in the shop, had a stroke. She deteriorated really quickly in the blink of an eye and yesterday, I had to take her to the vets to be put to sleep. All my energy has been spent on preparing myself for taking her to be put to sleep (I've been keeping hammies for 15 years and even after all of that time, it's still no easier to say goodbye) and afterwards, I've been really down and upset with not much enthusiasm for anything.

After a good enough sleep, I feel a little better and I'll make some Sims tonight to upload to TSR tomorrow. Maybe it'll help distracting me from what's happened these past couple of days.

My Sims 2 Stuff has been rejected! Waah!

Apparently, I haven't uploaded the file properly and I shouldn't have renamed the file...hmm...funny, in the tutorial I followed, it told what to do and I followed it exactly. *shrugs shoulders*

Will work on trying to sort out what I've done wrong whilst I'm at my lovely boyfriend's for a few days or so. Wish me luck!!!

Here is a preview of what my Alice Cooper vest looks like - please tell me what you think! Any feedback at all is very welcome!!!



Alice Cooper Vest Top (TS2)

I also worked out (somehow) without looking at a tutorial, but just by going on what I had read when I was making my lipstick earlier this morning, how to make my own custom t-shirts/vest tops, so I have submitted my first ever piece of CC clothing; an Alice Cooper vest top. Still not sure whether I have quite got the gist of how to submit TS2 CC, but I'll have to see whether it's approved or not first! LOL!

If it all goes well, I'll continue to make more custom tshirts and vest tops for a little while until I get really confident with that, then I may try moving onto making TS3 tshirts/vest tops. I have read that it is a lot more complicated to make CC for TS3 than TS2, which makes me a little nervous, but I've managed to get this far! LOL!

Just submitted my first Sims 2 CC!

Don't know whether it'll get approved or not, but we'll's a basic pink shiny lipstick for TS2 and I was actually really surprised about how easy it was to make it!

I did use a base that heleane made so I had a guideline as to where to put the lips and so I had an alpha all ready to start off with. I''m still not entirely sure about how to make an alpha more clued up than I was this time yesterday, but think I would still major fudge it up if I tried to make one at the moment. Blush.

Hopefully, my lipstick will be approved tonight - fingers crossed!!!

Going to be working with the Sims 3 AND Sims 2...

Just been installing Sims 2 back onto my computer for most of the day (my disk drive is completely wrecked and doesn't really work like it should, but making do until I get a new laptop at Christmas) and have decided that I am going to start off trying to make custom content for the Sims 2 for a little bit, just so I get used to how to do things.

I'm still going to continue making Sims for Sims 3-really love doing that-but as a little side project, I'm going to start trying to learn to mod for the Sims 2 as well!

Wish me luck!!!


Posted 5 new icons up-they're at the bottom of the gallery, as will all my future updates.

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Just submitted first CC for... Fixed it...after six hours... I worked out what I did wrong... Just sent 4 Sims for review... Reason there are no Upcoming Items. My Sims 2 Stuff has been... Alice Cooper Vest Top (TS2) Just submitted my first Sims 2 CC! Going to be working with the... ICON GALLERY UPDATE
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