
45Creations 46,734Downloads

AirLife's Blog

Yes yes, I am alive! [Just about..]


Sorry about the lack of activity recently. Things have all been rather hectic lately; what with graduating from university, job hunting, part-time work [stacking shelves at Waitrose, nothing special], volunteering as a teaching assistant at a local Primary School, applying for a teaching training course(s)... as you can imagine, I haven't had much time to get much done on the site. Or indeed anything else really.

I have a girlfriend now btw. Hell if I know how I: a) managed to find her, b) keep her happy.

But anywho, I'm back! [for now..] So for the not-too distant foreseeable future I will be posting random houses, terraces, apartments, estates and dormitories here and there. I'm not promising to keep to a quasi-regular schedule [seriously, remember the last few times I promised I would..?!], but I'll try upload as many as I can.

If I stick to one or two a week, that should be good enough for me.

Still, was good to see that people still find my quirky little buildings enjoyable enough to download.

28k downloads! I'm flattered!

Right, starting to run out of things to say.

So, farewell dear stalkers followers!

Drive-By Blogging and Big Weekend

Hey guys and gals, just a quick update blog entry from yours truly.

As some of you have probably known ( especially all you stalkers, you know who you are.. ), much of my time is pre-occupied by my studies and social life here at university. Generally struggling to keep my time divided between drinking, working and sleeping, I get very little time on the computer..

And when I do, I tend to be exhausted and tired. Not exactly the two main moods you need to be creative.

And make Sims houses.

And all that jazz.

So, yeah. Instead I spend my time on Skype. Most of the time. Either that, or Spore seems to be getting most of my computer attention these days. And before any of you ask.. Its not exactly a "100% legal " version, so I can't post my creations online. Though that may change soon.

Anyway, back to the main topic.

In short, my time is very limited. Exams, project proposals and Radio One's Big Weekend on my doorstep, all distract me from my time usually dedicated to this site. But as soon as its all over ( by the end of next week ) I should get back into a regular routine. 

So if anyone has any requests, feel free to leave a comment. Or drop me an email, I'll gladly respond as soon as I can.

Well, there you have it. Another blog just about wrapped up.

'Till next time!

10k Downloads - What a Milestone!

Hey guys! Welcome to the new and improved blog! ( As if you hadn't noticed the shiny new banner already.. :] )

This is just a quickie to announced my new milestone; 10,000 downloads!

Sure, it may not be as big and grand as some of the other longer serving members of this fine community. * Shakes fist jealously * But for me, its quite an achievement. I mean, that's 10,000 times my creations have been downloaded. That's a heck of a lot of my buildings circulating on people's copies of The Sims 2.

Hmm, maybe now my dreams of global domination may come true..


So anyway, in celebration of this magnificent event I've done two things:

  • Created the new blogging style ( the new graphic, not centred anymore, etc. )
  • A 10k Milestone video!
Now staring Nibbles the cat


Well, that's it for now. Time to get back to my university work. Lots of lovely assignments due in over the next few weeks.

But in the mean time, I will leave you with the knowledge that I'm working on a few ideas for new buildings including;

  • New Uni Dorms
  • New Apartment Blocks
  • My Current House - Both In Apartment and Uni Dorm Types! ( well, as close as I can get to it.. )
Farewell my amigos!

It's All Good In The Hood!

Afternoon all!

Just a quick message to say..



Infact, its actually better than ever before. Not only did I manage to fix the problem ( turned out to be a dodgy install of the original copy of Sims 2 ), but I have new expansion packs to use:

- Pets

- Nightlife

- Apartment Life


In short, this means I can create even better dorms, houses and new even apartments!

Most importantly, your feedback has been mainly about adding driveways for cars. Well, now I can!


So in the meantime, I'm going to play around with a few new designs, hopefully posting them online in the next few days!


Till next time! Happy Simming!

Just A Quickie - And Its Not Good..

Bad news everyone,

My copy of Sims 2 decided to randomly go nuts on me..



Firstly, it failed to recognise I had the University installed..


I thought..

"I'll just reinstall it.."

Then realising all my CDs copies of the Sims were a few hundred miles away at home, not on campus.

Which would otherise have been fine..

..if the game hadn't started experiencing graphic tears..


And before anyone goes:

"itz ur grafik crd u n00b!"

It's not, 'cos I can still play Empire: Total War.

So, I'm a loss to what is the problem.


Still, could be worse.

In the mean time, it means no more uploads (except for "Ashbeck Bungalow", a two bedroom bungalow) until I scramble back home to get the discs, which will be about in 3 weeks time.


So in the meantime, here's a few sneaky peaks at the new bungalow, looking forward to your feedback as always.



Anywho, I hope to be continuing my unhealthy habit of Sims 2 Architecture soon!

Till next time!



How could I forget?! The V-Log video of this build is on Youtube!



Just a Quick Update

Hello Readers!


Just a quick blog update to let you guys know that I'm not dead! (Well, there's been a few close shaves, but that's another story..)

Some of you have noticed my absence from TSR for the past few months, sending the odd PM and comment asking where I am. Well, just between you and me, its been a mixture of a hectic social life at university and a large amount of assignments that have crept up on me! (Evil blighters..)


So, I come back a few months later to a very nice surprise! A huge surplus of Kudos points and other 7k downloads! My first reaction was..

OMFG! <3333333

All I can say is, thank you peeps! I'm so grateful for you loyal support and comments! :D *huggles* I wouldn't have done it without you!!!

So in return, I've just reinstalled TS2 (Uni + Business), to create a load more houses and dorms in celebration!

On top of that, some of you eagle eyed viewers may have spotted my new profile banner and watermark. All of which will be included in future screenshots. (I've been fiddling around in photoshop and created them a few hours ago in celebration of the 7k download milestone).

For those of you who haven't noticed (shame on you..), here it is below:

New Airlife Watermark

Isn't it pretty? :3

Anyway, that's it for me now. Time to get cracking with these new buildings..


Oh, and I don't speak again soon, hope you guys have a great holiday and a happy new year!

See you all soon! (Or in 2010, whichever is sooner..)



Sims 3 - Reviewed!

Hey guys!

Just a quick message from me! Don't want to make it too long, this heat is starting to kill me! (And seeing as this is the UK, I'm half expecting it to suddenly shift to snow at any second.. xD)

But seriously, just wanted to give a quick shout about my new review of the Sims 3! Yup thats right, I own a copy!

Its seriously good stuff. So go check it out! (Url posted at the bottom).

I'm currently just getting used to its features before I start releasing content, so expect a few weeks before Sims 3 houses start rolling of the production line.

Well, I'm off now to hide under a tree before the sun turns me crisper than beef jerky.

So, toodle pip!


- Airlife



All Quiet on the Western Front

Good day my fellow peeps!

As some of you have noticed, its been a while since I've last updated anything on my TSR site. No new buildings, no blogs.. Where did I go?!

Well some of you may have spotted, I'm a student. And when it comes towards the end of the year there are two main things that distract students from their social lives, hobbies and other commitments.

a) Exams

b) "Revision" (Pretty much meant 'C' in my case..)

c) Drinking. Partying. And More drinking.

But its coming to a close now. Everybody's going home. I'm heading back to the parents for a bit before moving back in with mates here at university in a few months time. But by the beginning of new week, I hope to have much of the promised content either completed or have progress updates on my (somewhat empty) YouTube account "airlife101".

Well, looking forward to hearing from you! And as always, I love feedback on my work. But keep it constructive please? I'm starting to get tired of these hate PMs I get from people who obviously are 12 and have the literacy level of a moron.

But enough about my mother..


Anyway, see you all soon!


New Video!

Hey guys!

Just giving you a heads up to a new video I released on Youtube.

Nice little short showing the creation of one of the my latest buildings (to be released soon).

So why don't you opo over and see for yourself?


Hope you enjoy!


- AirLife


Hey Guys! AirLife here!

Just posting this small little blog just to say..


I know for a lot of people, 1000 downloads isn't much, but to me just starting out on TSR means a lot to me.

And just for reading this, I'm going to let you into a few more secrets:


Coming Soon!

More University Buildings!

Extra Buildings into the Popular 'Andreas' Collection!

Even More Community Lots!

Yet Even More Housing!

New Trailer Parks!


A Full Sized Super Mall!


And all using only the 'University' and 'Open For Business' expansion packs!


Look forward to hearing your comments and even ideas!

- - End Transmission - -


- AirLife

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Yes yes, I am alive! [Just about..] Drive-By Blogging and Big Weekend 10k Downloads - What a Milestone! It's All Good In The Hood! Just A Quickie - And Its Not Good.. Just a Quick Update Sims 3 - Reviewed! All Quiet on the Western Front New Video! 1000 Downloads!
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