Ajoya's Blog
It is with deepest apologizes that I type before you and admit that I have made a HUGE mistake.Up until now, I have been creating a few items all wrong. I have been under the impression that creating clothing using artist's alphas were OK. as long as I didn't use their textures in the same creation.
Boy was I wrong.
It wasn't until Tantra kindly took time out to teach me; and to help me understand the differences between alpha, base textures and bumpmaps; and that they ALL contain ownership. Not just the texture.
In light of this, I'm going on a creating hiatus for now. Just until I can get the rules and the 'proper' way to create down to an art.
For those that I have offended, I'm terribly apologetic & I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive my misunderstandings.
Now that I, 'literally', know right from wrong; I guarantee you that it will not happen again.
I would like to take this time to THANK Tantra for her knowledge, patience, and kindness.
Whoever said knowledge isn't power? XD
You are probably thinking that AJ has lost her mind right now. Every time you blink, she releases another download. Though true enough, I am insane; I am also done with FINALS & I feel the need to celebrate. Not to mention that I have a TON of time on my hands. On top of that- I've got early Summer Fever! So there...XD.
105,620 downloads is such a HUGE M I L E stone for me & I just want to take time out to thank all of you. I live for the comments, compliments, book marks, GB signings and all other support you provide me. I admire your friendship, your patience, and the kindness of being my fans. HERE'S TO U!
Just want to let everyone who downloaded the "Tank About It" set know that the mesh link is working properly now. =o)HUGE Thanks to Girl-From-Mars & Tug©!
"Tank About It..." Mesh Link *UPDATE*!
For those of you who downloaded the "Tank About It..." rugged tanks and denim shorts for your males simmies, I would like to apologize for the broken mesh link. The mesh makers (SimsConnection) has updated their website to a more friendly and convenient server which allows you to navigate through their items much faster and easier. Leaving us all with a broken link.The good news is that I'm in the process of getting the link button corrected as soon as I possibly can. I'm not an FA or SA, therefore, I can't batch edit the error.
For those of you who don't want to wait for the link button to be corrected, I have provided the correct link for you here:
Again, apologizes...
Ask & Ye Shall Receive...
As you very well may know, my latest Poll Question was neck to neck when it came to Simmers voting for shorts and cargos this summer. With sports & swim wear coming in last. Poll Question As warm weather approaches, what clothing items are you most interested in? Swim Swear. Male & Female 18.06% (13) Summer Shorts. Male & Female 30.56% (22) Summer Cargos. Male & Female 33.33% (24) Sports Wear. Male & Female 18.06% (13) Since I love you all so dearly. >XD I've decided to go ahead and just create them all since you did take the time to vote and let me know how you felt. What I wanted to do is create them according to chronological order in which they were voted on. But since swim wear was at the bottom of the totem pole and I created that before I had enough votes; that idea is merely impossible now. Tsk Tsk... I said that to say, since everyone pretty much voted cargos & shorts, they are coming, and they are coming abundantly! hehehehe
Awaken 4rm Da Dread
Actually, dread from the awakening... I have unwilling spent a crap load of time in "RL". I know, it's annoying for all of us; But I'm proud to say that I'm finally done with moving in and just about done with this semester of college. HU... RAH. Furthermore, I'm still trapped in Wonderland and have gone completely bonkers and I believe that I'm enjoying it? >XD. Not to mention that insanity keeps humans away. Emmmmm, imagine that. >XD For all of my Simmer buddies out there, I would like to say that I have missed you immensely and I'm elated to be back in Cyber World with you all!!! Mwaaaaahaaaa & Muah! (Especially Aikea, who has given me the compass & map. Special thanks to you!) Oh, one more thing. The dreadfulness of being out there in "Real Life" has actually inspired this upcoming set. Office Casuals, for those unfortunate simmies working 9-5. >XD

WAKE ME UP INSIDE! ~Evanescence