Aleeza (1967641)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (303 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Oct 3, 2008
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About Me
Hi, I'm Aleeza and I love to create stuff for the Sims 2, especially clothes for females. Sometimes though I do some recolours.
My Latest Updates Show All
Maternity friendlyWritten Aug 21, 2008
Regarding the questions about how maternity wear works,the following tutorial explains it very well in my opinion. It can be found here: Happy Simming, Aleeza ...More
Internet problemsWritten Aug 15, 2008
Sorry for not answering the comments left on my creations and guestbook entries, but due to technical difficulties I didn't have internet for about one and a half weeks. Thankfully it finally got fixed again. Happy Simming, Aleeza ...More
Thank youWritten Mar 08, 2008
I just wanted to thank everyone who supported me and TSR for becoming Select Artist. I'm still very surprised and speechless, but I feel very honored to be part of the SA family. Thank you ...More
My Guestbook Show All
hannah_hopeMay 16, 2013
Love your work
jasminehellokitty121994Mar 20, 2011
thank you for all the amazing creations!
topaz27Jul 22, 2009
Hi Aleeza, It seems you have left the 'TSR' I would just like to say thank you for all your awesome creations and I am really missing you so much I do hope so much that you are well and happy TC