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Amadaeo1969's Blog

Hey y'all :)

Sorry for being gone so long. I'm sure I've said it before, but my RL job requires me to be on site usually 3 weeks out of 4 each month, so my time to make custom sims is limited. However, I do keep track of my sims downloaded etc, in an effort to create content that Sims players want :) 

It's been a while, but I am toying with making a new Sim soon, since I have a little time on my hands. Keep posted here to see when they're released :)

Humbled, yet curious

Because of my job, I've been away more than I've been home, so my custom Sims production has suffered a bit. So, once I finally had time, I thought I had a sim that would be great for download. I dressed her up, ran her though the paces, made sure her clothes looked good (even though y'all can change everything upon download.. we all know that, but we need to make em pretty for that purpose.. LOL)

I also had to deal with the new submission system that is really different from what I'm used to. No biggie.. I managed to get through it (after 3 rejections, but kudos to the staff for working with me.. LOL). 

Anyways..she was released, and I was waiting to see how many ppl love her...and...well....not many. 


Its ok for a sim to not be desiriable for download! I've had many of those that just dont satisfy the fan base. 

If anything, y'all are teaching me to look for new trends, or things that you like in custom sims...and I'm all about it :) 

If you have something you'd like to see, let me know! 

Just be forewarned...I dont do recreactions of famous people. I'm not good at that. If you want Jennifer Aniston or such, seek out @jolea or others. My sims are born out of a sim I see that has potential, then I customize them for release :)

So..about that new sim.. LOL

So I did my best under the new system. Overall, it seems more smooth to use, but there def is a learning curve at first. The clothing / item submission section is more streamlined. The only confusion I met was with content "outside of TSR" and TSR content. Finally figured that out, and my sim tested out ok, and is on the market. 

Again, I'm open to trying to make sims you want to see. I have to stress again that I cannot do likenesses...I tried. I suck.. LOL. See Jolea or such for things like that (if she doesn't mind me mentioning her). I am good with making female sims, teen to adult. Give me an idea of theme you want, and I'll do my best. 

Reminder, I've had the entire month of October at home, but I go back to my work site tomorrow (Nov 5th), so I cant start anything for two weeks. 

Thanks for reading :)


So I finally had some time at home to string together to make a new Sim! Buuuuttt...I had to navigate the new submission system that was installed while I was away. 

It's def different. Very efficient in a lot of areas that weren't before, but the learning curve took me a little (and make take others more depending on their experience).

Waiting to see if my newest upload makes it without errors. I think I did all I needed to do, but again, new system, so I may have missed something :)

Sorry for the delays!

My job has me gone 2 weeks and home one week, pretty much on a cycle, so I dont play as much as I'd like, but I do owe y'all a new sim here sometime soon!
Couple my schedule with the fact my Razer KB is borked (going to get a new one tomorrow), its slowing me down. I have a sim in the chamber I'm working on. Again, trying for quality over quantity (and looking at the last time I posted one, definitely not cranking them out.. lol)

Stick with me...I'll deliver.. I promise :)

Something I've realized...

When making Alpha sims for download, I've noted that certain types are favored more than others. I guess it's a habit a creator can have; tracking his downloads to see what works and what doesn't. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I've realized my effort to provide sims that I hope are downloaded frequently, I've lost what made this fun from the start....making a sim because its *fun* and exciting :) 

I realized I shouldn't worry so much about "whats popular" and instead focus on what I feel is attractive to me, and then release it to all of you. If some don't feel the same, its ok..and if some love it, that's ok too :) 

Its hard in this society these days to not be caught up in numbers, and it can make you lose sight of what is truly important. 

For me, its releasing a sim that I personally found to be gorgeous, so everyone can have the chance to have that sim too. To heck with download numbers.... :) 

I just want to share what I think is attractive, and hope you find it to be the same!

End of year wishes...

Hello friends!! So...the post title..what does it mean?  Well, if I could go back and remove certain sims from my portfolio, I would. I feel like there have been some that I put out there because I felt a need to "stay on pace"; release a sim at the minimum of one a month. However, that didn't always lead to quality sims. 

This last one, for example...I like her, but I'm not in love with her. One thing about me, I'm going to be 100% upfront / real when it comes to these things.  I put a personal pressure on myself to deliver at least one sim a month. My new job keeps me travelling a lot, so that only adds to it.

What I need to keep in mind is that it's not so much about releases, but about the quality of those releases. You all deserve better.

I track my stats, not to compare to others, but to see commonalities that are popular between sims. What does the public like? How can I deliver on that, and still release a sim that isnt just a combination of "liked features"...but rather a sim you want to download because it could fit a story or narrative you have in mind? *THAT* is what I'm striving for. 

Again, I love your input...tell me what you like to see, not see, etc....I take it all seriously! 

Until next time, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa!

Quantity over quality

Something I struggle with a lot....and I think I have a handle on now. In making Sims, at first I felt like I needed to "catch up" in downloadable content..but as time has gone on, I've realized its not about the numbers, but about the quality of the product I'm trying to provide to all TSR patrons. 

If there could be a day where all content creators get to go back and remove certain subs, I def have a few...not so much because the download numbers are bad, but the in I rushed the sim..didnt put my best effort into it. If anything, the numbers are the silent critics that let me know just that. 

So, rest assured my uploads may not be as frequent, but when I do upload, I want to be sure its a quality sim you'd be proud to have :)

Creating Sims for process (and some humorous looks)


It is safe to assume that a good portion of Sims 4 players, or any Sims verison tend to play with auto-generated sims, or they may tweak their own slightly to make theirs unique...but the thought of full customization can be daunting!  

 I know when I started into the Sims 4 heavily, and discovered TSR, it was like a world opened up to me. So many talented artists!! So much CC!!



All I know is I saw these gorgeous Sims...created by so many talented Featured Artists, Select and was mindblowing. One could say I had an addiction for a while.. ;)

Eventually I started to fiddle around in CAS, and happened to make a Sim that looked pretty darn good (to me). That set me down the road to making Sims that I now offer to all of you :) 

"Amadaeo...what is your process??" asked no one ever...but I'm going to tell you anyway, in hopes it inspires you to take the leap, not be hesitant...and GO FOR IT! Soon you'll be spewing out mid Sims like me!! (just kidding!! mine are almost mid.... :P )

1. I started downloading "saved" games from popular youtube Sims players. Some tore down all the buildings and made new homes, businesses and new Sims..with stories and more. Some even did makeovers on townies (because I hate to say it, orange swim trunks, a formal top and swimming flippers is *so* early-2000's...).

In doing so, I also noticed Sims that were auto generated, but it used CC from things I've downloaded, or that came with the download. Sooo..I started tweaking the rando sims that were generate (to avoid any infringement). Needless to say, that's one good way to get a base model for your creation. Another is just going in to CAS and hitting the randomize dice until something catches your eye..then fiddling with it. 

It only looks good when you make it look good...or so my wife tells me when picking out my clothes for important events.

2. CC! CC! CC!  Not to say that traditional Sims don't look good, but CC adds so many layers to them. So many options to customize your Sim.

So about this Sim creation thing...Amadaeo Creations

Hi... Amadaeo here of Amadaeo Creations...(If I could change my profile name...that would be  **EDIT** He was, in fact, able to change his name)

It's definitely been a learning curve! It started out with just fiddling around in CAS...trying different looks, skins etc...

Then I noticed that they were starting to look pretty good / lifelike, and I thought, why not share them with everyone? Its great to have diverse Sims outside the usual townie fare. Lord knows, Divaka and other creators have fueled my Sims sessions with their creations :) 

I'll keep creating...its too much fun not to do. I will take a stab at making male Sims, but I feel like they are limited in looks to some degree since you dont use a lot of makeup, eyelashes etc...things that drastically alter the look of a female Sim...but I'll give it a go. 

Until next time... :)

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Hey y'all :) Humbled, yet curious So..about that new sim.. LOL Finally! Sorry for the delays! Something I've realized... End of year wishes... Quantity over quality Creating Sims for So about this Sim creation...
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