AmaryneDesign's Blog
I've returned!
So I know I haven't been the most active designer for years, but I've played the games whenever time has allowed me.. I have switched completely to Sims 3 so from now on all my content will probably be Sims 3 only..
After being forced to delete and re-install sims 3, a staggering 7 times, I almost gave up on ever having a town I could call my own. I've finally had the time (or so I thought until Pets came out) to make and share some of my houses that I've been working way too much with (mostly because I'm having trouble finding the right CC) The project is now postponed a little so that I might get a chance to fix all my packages and get the game running smoothly again.. Hope to be back soon with a great addition to the game.. A farm!! :) Here's a quick overview of it to give an impression.. It's from the early stages lots has happen since then!