To my friends and downloaders
I know, that nowadays I have not too much time to be around here, but now I read about the changes with the site, and I think it means the end of my uploads to my little site after so many years to be a member here.
I absolutely understand, that the number of uploads need manage in some way, but it means, that I'll have to stop to uploading my creations here, because nowadays I try to create my sims/lots without any custom content/pattern - the reason: some CCs causes problems for my game, and they raises the file-size too much, so I started to use only official patterns recoloured by me.
I've never spammed the site with random-button-created sims, I work with them for hours to make them perfect in my eyes without any mod or custom stuff. I know that there are some good sim-creators who use CC and work hard with their sims, but I've seen too many sims-uploads, which looks better only because of the used custom content - without them these sims have only a usual simface in the original sim-bin.The situation is the same everywhere, most popular downloads are always full of custom content - althought they look nearly the same, because of using the same skin, hairs etc. - but it seems, that this is what people need. Probably I'm a bit old-fashioned.
I made some celebrity-sims too, still has another one which I planned
to upload soon, but maybe I won't do that, because I made it without any
custom content at all.
I understand, that this is a custom content site and people mainly searching for CC here - so I accept, that this is not the place for me.
Thank you for all your support - comments, thanks and downloads - you made on my creations.