Current projetcs
I have been on a short holliday all week, so there isen't much to upload today, but in the next few days, i am counting on having 2 new recolored rooms ready for uploading. Since I haven't started yet, I am not quite sure what type of rooms they will be, but i am thinking of a livingrooom or an office, but nothing is decided yet :) and at the same time, i will probaly upload a ton of other stuff, most of my paintings, rugs and wallpapers, is useually "side effects" of my atemps to create a full room. I will add some pitures to this entry, as soon as i have finished some items.
Last, but defiantly not least, i will like to thank all of you who have downloaded, commented, signed my GB, thanked or even bookmarked me. I am very happy that you like my work, and you all are the reason to continiue - even when nothing seem to work :) Thank you!!
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