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Ayafox's Blog

Finally finsihed my house!

I finally finished my house last night, but my boyfriend was playing zombies online (on CoD). So, I wasnt able to upload it. (its funny how every time I want to upload he is always playing CoD, and gets mad when I upload. I was nice this time and waited.) But by the time he was done I was falling asleep watching tv, and didn't feel like turning the game on again. So, I just waited for this morning. I also ended up getting better screen shots this morning. I ended up not likeing any of the ones I had taken (and was planning to use) last night. So, I re took pictures, and I'm very happy with them. Hope you look foward to it comming out on thursday! Btw it has no CC in it, I know most of my houses have so much cc. But I have no more cc atm for my game since I had to reinstall everything a while ago. I've also been to lazy to re add it. I got to find where I put my flash drive with my downloaded CC. But oh well makes it much more easier for you guys to download. I think there should be a more easier way to download the cc that is in someones house instead of clicking on all those links. Maybe one day! cause clicking on those links for all the cc is so annoying, when I download houses I never download the cc thats in them cause I'm to lazy to click all those things. *hopes they make it more easy to download the cc with the houses in the future*


Anyways enough of me talking, I got more stuff that needs to be done this afternoon... hope you enjoy the picture. And have a wonderfull day!


New house (so hard to find time to build with work)

I'm working on a new house for you guys! Having a hard time finding time to finish it though, I work a lot and finding time to build is hard. But its going to be a horse ranch, and the lot I chose is the biggest lot I have ever done 64x64. I wanted to test myself and see if I could do it. So far its going great, I put 5+ hours into it already and I have the house compleate, and the barn. what is let is the outside. It shouldn't take me to much longer to finish it maybe another 2-3 hours, seeing as there is a lot of space I still need to work on. But its getting there, and I'm really happy with it. I hope you guys look foward to it, oh and sorry no pictures today. I forgot to take some of the house and I have to get running to work so no time to load up the game and take some ss. So either tonight or Tuesday (my day off) I'll have it finished and uploaded for you. So keep checking out my page to see when its comming up.

hope you all have a nice day!


New house keeps getting rejected (hope you like the pics atleast)

It’s been a while since I last uploaded a house, but I’ve been busy with work sorry guys. But I’ve some good and bad news. Good news is I made a new house for you  guys! Bad news is  I’ve been trying for the past three days to upload a new house that I’ve made, but they keep rejecting it. It’s starting to really tick me off; I don’t even know if I’ll try to re-upload it. Because I have no idea what item it is I can’t use, and no one will tell me. But I’ll post some pictures of it, seeing as it’s the only thing I can do at the moment…  Hope you guys enjoy my house! Maybe tonight I’ll finally get a straight answer as to which item it is I need to take out. But even so I uploaded a version with nothing in it and it still got rejected. So annoyed right now -.-  Hope you guys have a nice day, and enjoy my pictures!


Hope you guys like the pictures! -.- very upset at the moment about it keep getting rejected.


Hope you guys enjoy my newest house, that will be comming out soon! Its made for my good friend kim, hope you guys like it!

-2 bedrooms

-4 bathrooms


What do you guys think?

I've been really busy with work, and my brother got me hooked on Dragon age 2 >< So I havent been working on any houses the past few weeks. But Finally I started a new one! I'm almost done with it, The garden and the first floor are done, Just need to work on the bedrooms >< (I hate doing bedrooms) Should be done with it soon. hope you guys like it.


My newest house!

Ground floor: two car garage, Bathroom, sitting area

Main floor: kitchen, diningroom, living room, bedroom (with walk in closet), two bathrooms

third floor: three bedrooms, two bathrooms

fourth floor: Empty!

Hope you guys enjoy!!



My newest house up for download tomorrow! Hope you guys enjoy it! I think this is one of my favorite houses I've built so far. Its got a beautiful outdoor living space, and a huge inside.

first floor:

-Livingroom (with a fire place)





second floor:

-two bedrooms

-two bathrooms



I really hope you guys love this house as much as I do! By the way sorry I havent made anything new for a while, Been out looking for a new job, and busy with my current job. Anyways please tell me what you guys think of it!



Finally got done with my newest house!But for some reason it wornt let me uplaod it, keeps telling me its failed to upload. I tried to upload a few other houses as well, and same thing. Not sure what is up with it, but I guess I'll just have to figure it out later. Got to work all day at work again today :( Yay me....

Anyways here is a few pics of the house Hopefully I can get it to upload soon...


Yume is a nice 3 bedroom 4 bathroom home right next to the beach. I love how it looks, I think it tuned out nice! Hope you guys like it as well.


On the first floor I have the entry way, kitchen, dinning room, Livingroom, and a full bathroom.

The second floor has thee bedrooms and baths. There is a master bedroom, a teen bedroom, and a baby bedroom.

Third floor has a bar, dancefloor, and sitting area, as well as a fire pit on the balcony.

On the outside It has a garden with beginner plants, pool, and hot tub.

hope you guys like it!

Beautiful sky, Newest house with working waterfall!

Finally just upladed this one, but its not fully furninshed. Just needs to have the 5 bedrooms on the second story finished. Everything else is done! I just got a new idea for another house and I know if I dont work on that soon I'll forget it (my memory sucks).

Anyways its got a working waterfall in the front, Those are so much fun to make! And they look so cool! um.. yeah side tracked anyways, the back has a heart shaped patio. A garage with spots for two cars, and a few bicycles. And a garden on the roof.


First floor has two bathrooms. a living room, diningroom/kitchen, bar room, gym, laundry, Art studio, office, and a Music room! This level is fully furnished, but might need a few finishing touches like pictures. I dont like to add pictures to houses that I upload because I like to only use downloaded ones, and I dont want you all to have to download like 15 picutes for one house.


Second floor, has 5 bedrooms, or four if you want to make one of them an office or a game room. I didnt furnish this floor. I feel bad for not finishing it, but I had to start working on that new house it forced me to stop!

Third floor, Has the master bedroom, a sitting area with fish, and the roof top garden! I put starter plants in there for you all.


As always I hope you enjoy this house! I know I had a ton of fun making it! Now on to the next project! Oh and I want to say thanks to all the artists whose downloads I used in this house! Thinking of trying to learn how to make some objects and stuff, if I'm not to lazy. Anyways enjoy!

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Finally finsihed my house! New house (so hard to find time... New house keeps getting rejected... Kim What do you guys think? Hiriko Tanyu! Problems Yume Beautiful sky, Newest house with...
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