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A very nice kitchen with dining area! I've created those rooms to feel like they're in the same style, so you can match them :)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1583455
ItemID: 1583455
Filesize: 53 KB
- Get To Work
- Get Together
- City Living
- Cats and Dogs
- Seasons
- Get Famous
- Island Living
- Discover University
- Eco Lifestyle
- Snowy Escape
- Cottage Living
- Outdoor Retreat
- Spa Day
- Dine Out
- Vampires
- Parenthood
- Jungle Adventure
- StrangerVille
- Realm Of Magic
- Journey To Batuu
- Dream Home Decorator
- Luxury Party Stuff
- Perfect Patio Stuff
- Cool Kitchen Stuff
- Spooky Stuff
- Movie Hangout Stuff
- Romantic Garden Stuff
- Kids Room Stuff
- Backyard Stuff
- Vintage Glamour Stuff
- Bowling Night Stuff
- Fitness Stuff
- Toddler Stuff
- Laundry Day Stuff
- My First Pet Stuff
- Moschino Stuff
- Tiny Living Stuff
- Nifty Knitting Stuff
- Paranormal Stuff
- Holiday Celebration Stuff [free]
- Country Kitchen Kit
- Bust The Dust Kit
- Courtyard Oasis Kit
- Industrial Loft Kit
- Blooming Rooms Kit
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- ScandiFever decor pine cones
- ScandiFever animals sculpture
- ScandiFever Shelves
- Naturalis Dining serving set
- Naturalis Dining Vase medium
- Naturalis Living Hydrangeas
- Naturalis Office curtain Geometric
- Naturalis Bookshelf
- Naturalis Office painting
- Naturalis Office plant 5
- Naturalis office plant 7
- Naturalis Office plants duo
- Naturalis Pantry Sliced Bread pack
- Naturalis Pantry Coffee Bag
- Naturalis Pantry Jars 2
- Naturalis Pantry Jars 3
- Naturalis Pantry Jars 4
- Naturalis Pantry Eggs basket
- Naturalis Pantry Tea Packs
- Naturalis Pantry Water bottles
- Theorem Study - Kettle *decor*
- Theorem Study - Toaster
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