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BrooksHalten's Guestbook

VictoriaGraceNov 10, 2008

Hello Brooks! I appreciate the compliment you left me on my 'Allure Contemporary Home!' I hope you'll enjoy playing the lot! \:\) Victoria

lirunchikNov 6, 2008

Hey hey, Brooks! Nice to see your nickname under my comments section!!! Thanks for commenting my Dedication lot! I'm happy you've appreciated this one 'cause I myself love your works and I'm also happy you're a fan of modern style architecture! Have a wonderful day! ~~Marina

laivine_erunyauveOct 19, 2008

Hi! Thanks for your nice comment on my house, The Deitra. I hope you enjoy using it! \:\)

JENCASep 15, 2008

okay thanks. I downloaded it but the windows |(which I now realise is what makes the walls like that) flash blue. The lot has got soe amazing custom content furniture! Thanks!

MirraajAug 18, 2008

It's available now.

MirraajAug 16, 2008

Thank you. It doesn't seem to be getting many downloads though. Mirraaj.

MirraajAug 16, 2008

The LaFlat Bedroom is being released to the public on the 18th August. The only mesh I changed was the bed - I removed the padded backboard. If you download this set, it will override your previous version. But everything but the bed is the same. Check it out. Mirraaj.

lirunchikAug 8, 2008

Hey ya, Brooks! \:wub\: Thank you very much for taking time to leave a comment on my Felicity lot. I'm truelly excited that you liked it so much! Have an amazing weekend. I hope to see more of your houses 'cause they are very stylish, and as you know I like modern style! \:rah\: ~~Marina

MirraajAug 3, 2008

When you say replaced, does it come out as a perfect replica, or a poorer quality. Because it sounds like a scenegraph problem more. Go to Fix Integrity and change the scenegraph name. IF you have two objects with the same scenegraph name it causes problems. If you require further assistance you can either IM the Mesh Helpline @ or you can eMail the address. > Mirraaj.

MuranoAug 2, 2008

Hi BrooksHalten! Thanks for taking the time to leave an entry in my guestbook. \:D However the Phoenix set is planned to be uploaded soon. \:\) Best regards, Murano

MirraajAug 2, 2008

> BrooksHalten, I was just dropping by to see how you have enjoyed the set. > Mirraaj.

MirraajJul 13, 2008

> BrooksHalten, Glad you like it. Glad the time was well spent. > Mirraaj.

MirraajJul 11, 2008

> BrooksHAlten, You need to place the DBPF in your downloads folder. > Mirraaj.

MirraajJul 6, 2008

> BrooksHalten, You need an internet connection because it needs to connect to the GUID database of the SimPE website. If you have dial-up, it's as simple as starting it up. If you have broadband, connect it. If it's wireless internet and you couldn't log on, try again because you may not have been receiving a signal. It happens to me sometimes. I'm assuming you have internet because you are able to get to TSR. > Mirraaj.

lirunchikJun 30, 2008

Hi, BrooksHalten!\:rah\: Thanks so much for your nice comment you left on my White Eternity dining set. I'm very happy you liked this! Have fun!\:rah\: Marina

lirunchikMay 5, 2008

Hello again BrooksHalten\:rah\: Thanks for signing my GB! You said so warm words...I'm really flattered\:o You could get this sofa from MTS2, it's made by BlakeBoy! And don't forget to download mod made by Inge Jones(link is in the thread - 1st post). It makes this modular sofa work...Also if I'm not mistaking you should look at another thread for meshes 'cause meshes of this sofa are slaves... Well, I'm sorry for my primitive explanation! If you have some questions, you could ask me, I'll help you with pleasure\:D ~~lirunchik

lirunchikApr 27, 2008

Hello BrooksHalten\:\) \:o I'm so flattered by your comment on my Tendredi lot...Thank you so much\:wub\: \:wub\: I love all your lots with all my heart! Wish to see more and more of them from you!\:rah\: ~~lirunchik

huabanzhuApr 18, 2008

Hi,about the nouse A-7,do you have Bon Voyage?the lot just can be placed by "seacoast".

SugarMar 19, 2008

Hi Just discovered you as a designer. I am very impressed. Thank you for sharing. Sugar \:rah\:

huabanzhuMar 13, 2008

Heya~!It's long time haven't heard from you,how are you?\:D I really appreciate that you took the time to comment on my creation.Glad you like it. Oh,I'm waiting for more you house coming out! \:wub\:

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