Did you see it over here? No? Oh, darn it...
For how long have I been absent? Almost a year?...
Well, what matters is that I decided to return with both bad and good news. Which should I start with? The bad one? I don't know where Hurricane is. Yes, you've read it well - I don't know where it is. You see, I've recently bought a new computer and I just don't know where I've put Hurricane's game file. To be honest, I'm freaking out because I really wanted to take that story 'till the end, but I won't stop searching until I find it - scout's word!
The good is - while I don't find a way to continue with Hurricane - I'm creating a new story! Sure, it won't anything like Hurricane, but I promise you guys will like it. However, this time I took precaution and made a copy of all files. Let's just see if, this time, karma is by my side...