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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
This house was built on the basis of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture.
Although the game has many limitations, I tried to move one of his most beautiful works - Fallingwater.
Hence the name of my house.
I invite you to have fun in Fallingwater!
Created by Danuta720
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1376249
ItemID: 1376249
Filesize: 441 KB
Make sure your game is fully updated.
I've used these packs:
Expansion Packs Used:
->Get Together
->Get To Work
->City Living
Game Packs Used:
->Outdoor Retreat
->Spa Day
->Dine Out
Stuff Packs Used:
->Perfect Patio Stuff
->Spooky Stuff
Cheats I've used:
-> bb.moveobjects
-> bb.showhiddenobjects
Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.
To install this house into your game:
- download the house
- unzip files
- copy all files and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
If you don't see the house in Gallery, please follow these instructions: LINK: If lot didn't appear in your game
CC's needed for this lot:
->Newark Living Room
->Ritchie Bedroom
->Ercazia bathroom
->Millennial Bedroom
->Zeus bedroom
->Granite Wall Tiles 2
->Old Wood Planks 2
->Wall Decals
->Dining Baker
->Easton Potted Tree
->Breezy plant bag
->Come Cozy
->Actinium Kitchen
->Actinium Kitchen Accessories
->Mercury Plant
->Neodymium Living Room
Credits: ArtVitalex,Jomsims,Kardofe,Pralinesims,ShinoKCR,SIMcredible!,Wondymoon
- Value: 471321
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 3
- Stories: 5
- Lot Size: 50x50
- Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.