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Created for: The Sims 4
Why have the pool in front or on the backyard of your house? Why not in the middle?
That's your hour house! A comfortable family house, modern but not cold.
The house is dived in two facilities by the pool. One with the kitchen and the dining room, the other with a bathroom and the livingroom. Both with a stairs for the upper level.
On the second level there're one doblebed bedroom, and kids bedroom. Each one with their own small bathroom and balcony.
Between the bedrooms there's a space for the family with guitar, sofa and Lama's game table.
Hope you enjoy it
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ItemID: 1368189
Filesize: 153 KB
The Sims 4
+ Get to work
+ Get Togheter
+ City Living
Game packs:
+ Outdoor retreat
+ Spa Day
+ Dine out
Stuff packs:
+ Luxury Party Stuff
+ Perfect Patio Stuff
+ Cool Kitchen Stuff
+ Romantic Garden Stuff
+ Backyard Stuff
+ Spooky Stuff Pack
+ Movie Hangout Stuff Pack
+ Kids Room Stuff Pack
+ Backyard Stuff Pack
No CC used
I used bb.moveobjects cheat
- Value: 100400
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 3
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 30x20
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