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Created for: The Sims 4
I could describe it as the classic village house, restored and converted from an old factory. From the outside the houses are 3 but the only space is the outermost on the right. (But nothing will prevent you from creating 3 families and furnish other houses ;-) homes)
Spread over three floors, although very small. The lower part is dedicated to the living area, with kitchen, living room and a bathroom.
The upper floor is dedicated to the sleeping area and studio, with a double room and a room for "teenager" :-), + a small bathroom. The double bedroom has a little closet room.
I left free the top floor and is suitable to be enriched by your sim's stuff (painting, sculpture etc)
It 'a very funny house, certainly not fit into the classical family.
Have fun!
ps:remember to lock the doors in the other houses ;-)
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ItemID: 1367656
Filesize: 228 KB
The Sims 4
+ Get to work
+ Get Togheter
+ City Living
Game packs:
+ Outdoor retreat
+ Spa Day
+ Dine out
Stuff packs:
+ Luxury Party Stuff
+ Perfect Patio Stuff
+ Cool Kitchen Stuff
+ Romantic Garden Stuff
+ Backyard Stuff
+ Spooky Stuff Pack
+ Movie Hangout Stuff Pack
+ Kids Room Stuff Pack
+ Backyard Stuff Pack
No CC used
I used bb.moveobjects cheat
- Value: 70000
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size: 30x20
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