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Created for: The Sims 4
A caravan, in which a snack bar is integrated.
In addition to the kitchen area, there is a very small bathroom in the caravan with a shower and a very small break room. In addition to the work area, which is lockable for guests, there are guest toilets
The caravan stands on a property with several tables where you can enjoy the view of the lake.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1410603
ItemID: 1410603
Revision: 3
Filesize: 189 KB
Sims 4 - Basegame, Get to work, Outdoor Retreat, Perfect Patio Stuff, Spa-Day,Dine out, Movie Hangout Stuff and Get Together
No Custom Content
Unzip the archive and put the game files in the tray folder.
Please open the cheat console [Strg] + [Shift] + [C] and type in bb.moveobjects and then place the Lot from build mode
to keep the objects resized, moved and lifted.
I have also used the Cheats bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement.
Please don't upload my houses to any other site or the Sims 4 gallery. Thanks!
- Value: 85729
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size: 30x20
- Custom content: No custom content used for this creation
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