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Crass's Blog

Still alive!

Yes, I am still around! 

Thank you, everyone, for the messages.  I'm so sorry for being missing for so long.  I've had to take over someone else's job at work (while still doing my own), so I've been way too consumed with boring real-life stuff.  Yuck!   I don't anticipate things changing at work any time soon, so I'm going to say right here that the S2HBAA Monthly Contest is going to be on indefinite hiatus.  If any of you would like to continue the contest in my absence, please definitely do!  I will try to be back in action as soon as I can. 

I've missed you all so much!


--Hyacinthe (Crass)

Forum update

Happy Holidays, everyone!


Just wanted to let you know that I put the new S2HBAA monthly contest up on the gorgeous new TSR Forums!  Because of the server migration, I was not able to get November's contest up in a reasonable amount of time, so the monthly contest is actually a November/December contest intead!  Hopefully this will give you some extra time to work on your lots.


Also, I'd like to offer those who are Sims 3 builders to join us as well.  I am not posting a separate contest on the Sims 3 forum section because the interest is not that strong, but if you are a Sims 3 builder and find the contest themes interesting, please do join us in the Sims 2 Forum section.  I will not turn you away!   :)  We're always excited for new participants in the contest, so please join us.


Thank you for your continued support of the S2HBAA monthly contest as well as your continued friendship!  I've called TSR my online home for many years now, and I am so happy to be part of this family!  :)


Much love,





Hi everyone!

Enjoying the last quiet days before school starts up again!  (I work full-time at a university.)

Although you haven't seen me around much in creating-mode here at TSR, I've been incredibly productive this past year.  I finished my first novel last year ("Dial 999: A Jon Hunter Mystery," which you can find on, and I've been working on some old manuscripts that I never finished.  I also re-started my publishing company, which I had on hiatus for a few years as I was dealing with some health issues.  It is almost 20 years old now, so it's like a child to me!  Those things have made me quite happy as well as quite busy.

Even though I haven't been creating much for TSR, I definitely still run the monthly building contests for Sims 2 here on the TSR forums!  Right now the forums are being moved/upgraded, so there might be a delay in your ability to post to the contest, but there is an August one up.  I tried out doing a Sims 3 version of the contest back in January, but it had poor reception, so I'm sticking with my original 'gut' feeling and keeping the building contest as a "Sims 2 Only" contest.  It makes for a much more challenging contest and showcases the incredible creativity of TSR members!  So, I hope that you will all join us there!  I've been running the contest for YEARS now, and I have no intentions of stopping any time soon. :)

Thank you again for your support!


--Hyacinthe (Crass)

Somewhere Out There

Ah yes, I AM still here!

Sorry for the major silence.  I've been super busy with my real-life job and haven't had time to create lots like I had.  I hope to get some free time soon so I can get back to building again.

Special Holiday Contest!

Happy Holidays, everyone!


Please stop on by the Sims 2 Forums to check out the December 2009 S2HBAA contest!  Help us create the North Pole, and win a special prize handmade by me!  :D

Happy Autumn!

Hello, my friends!

Now that the weather is cooling down here, I feel like it's a great time to get back into the swing of building!  I was able to upgrade to a new computer last month, so now I have Sims 1, Sims 2, AND Sims 3 all on one machine!  (Am I obsessed or what??)  As I mentioned in my previous entry, I'm not overly impressed with Sims 3 yet, so I intend on primarily continuing to create items for Sims 2.  (I'd also make items for Sims 1, but I still haven't gotten the hang of creating custom content for it.)

I also would like to remind you that the S2HBAA Monthly Building Contest is always underway, so please definitely feel free to participate!  The larger the pool of entrants, the better!  And, it's all in good fun.

Have a wonderful season!


--Hyacinthe  (Crass)

S2HBAA Monthly Contests


Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that even though Sims 3 is now available, I am still hosting the S2HBAA Monthly Building Contests.  Having played both games, I think that Sims 2 provides a greater opportunity to show off great building skills, and so I plan to keep the contests for Sims 2 rather than move on to Sims 3.

I've also found quite a few people (myself included) who are pretty under-impressed by Sims 3 and prefer to continue playing Sims 2.

If you are among us, please share your building creations with us each month in the Build Forum here on TSR.  The contests are open to all and do not require specific expansion packs.  Builders of all skill levels are welcome as I offer the contests so that we can all work on improving our techniques and trying out new things.

Please join us!





Winter Wonderland

Hi everyone!

Just trying to be warm and cozy here today.  The view outside my window is that of a shaken snow globe!  It's been snowing pretty flakes of snow for about 12 hours now, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to go and do much outside at all.  (I love having these kinds of excuses to stay inside and play Sims!)  :D

I apologize ahead of time for the look of my minisite at the moment; I went nuts adding "pods" then discovered that currently the ability to move and remove them is down.  So, please bear with me.  As soon as I can fix it, I will. :)

For some reason, I've been very nostalgic lately and have been playing Sims 1.  I really really really love Makin Magic and the Sims 2 version of that (in Apartment Life) just doesn't cut it for me.  And, while we're on that topic, am I the only one who LOVES the music in Makin Magic?  I wish there were more lots in Magic Town for my Sims to live in because I love the build/buy music. :P  I need to figure out how to copy those music files and add them to my Sims 2 or something!! :D

Anyway, be safe, and have fun Simming!!



Happy Holidays!

I wish all of you the happiest of holiday seasons and a new year full of blessings!



Apartments and Wedding Bells

Hi everyone!

Just letting you all know that I am still here! I'm not sure why I haven't uploaded any of the lots I've made in the past few months. Just lazy, I guess! :D But, that said, I have quite a few apartment buildings I'd like to share. I'm totally obsessed with Apartment Life right now. You all know that I love building teeny tiny houses, and now that we can make real apartments (instead of the crazy ways I was building them before), I'm in all my glory! I promise I will upload all of the ones I've made when I get my new ethernet cable. (I've been simming on my other computer lately.) I'll have that in a few days, so keep a look out for them!

And, since it's been a while... I do have some fun news! My long-time fiance and I finally decided to get married! :D Our big day was September 26th, and it was a very small ceremony here in our 1917 home. Yay! So, I guess now I have to finally accept that I'm a "grown up"! :D (I refuse to let that stop me from playing Sims, though!!!!)

Anyway, that's what I've been up to!
Thanks so much for all of the support! Please don't forget to check out the S2HBAA monthly building contest in the Sims2 Community forum! Everyone is free to enter; you do not have to be a member of the S2HBAA.

Latest Headlines

Still alive! Forum update Summerhead Somewhere Out There Special Holiday Contest! Happy Autumn! S2HBAA Monthly Contests Winter Wonderland Happy Holidays! Apartments and Wedding Bells
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