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Crass's Blog

An update!

Happy Summer, everyone!

I'm having some computer problems currently, which is why you haven't seen any new items from me in a while. I'm also having my future mother-in-law move up here from Los Angeles, which is a cross-country move and taking up lots of my time. Hopefully I'll be back in action soon. But, hey, don't I always say that?

In the meantime, please check out the monthly building contest in the TSR forums! :)

Thank you for your continued support! I appreciate all of you so much! :) *hugs*


Playing Around

I've been a little quiet on my profile lately because I've finally taken some time to play the game since Bon Voyage came out. I'm really enjoying uncovering all the neat clues and things in that game. I have been building, but so far nothing really spectacular has come out of it, so that's why I haven't posted a new lot in a while.

One of these days I'm going to upload a handful of recolors I did of some Shannanigan dresses a while back, though. I don't know why I'm taking so long to do it. But keep your eyes out for them!

Happy Simming, and don't forget to join in on the January S2HBAA contest---the theme is "Museum Madness"! :D

Seriously, I can't make photos of my lots to save my life. :P No, I'm not talking about screenshots---yeah, I know how to do that. But to make all those cool collages and things that everyone else does... I'm a total idiot when it comes to these kinds of things. I tinker around because I don't know what on earth I'm doing. Hence, the really awful, snicker-worthy photos I've created of my upcoming lot "Marcoset Farm". So, forgive me! I promise this is one of the better lots I've created, at least recently. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, and I hope that it will be something you'll enjoy playing!

Back to Building

I'm finally doing some building again. Expect many new starter homes from me, particularly ones that would work well as vacation cottages for Bon Voyage. I also realize that I haven't made many new community lots lately. So, we'll see if I come up with some unique ones in the near future. What I'd like to do is experiment with terrain paints more.

Which reminds me.... if you'd like to do the same, head on over to the Challenges and Contests section of the Sims 2 Forum here at TSR. There's still time to enter the October S2HBAA contest. Our theme this month is Scary Cemeteries, so you can put all those creepy terrains to good use! :)

Got House?

Yes, I sure do! We FINALLY have our very own home, and boy is it beautiful. I'm tempted to post pics of it here!
So, that said, expect to see me around more now. I've missed all of you very much! :)

Homes all around

Hi everyone!
You'll never guess what I'm up to right now... Getting ready to buy a house in real-life! So, I apologize for being absent around here lately. Real estate is a lot more work in the real world than it is in The Sims. (Though I do find myself thinking of all the Sim ways I could spruce up these homes I've been looking at!)
Hopefully I'll be done soon, and then I can get back to Sims building!

Playing the Game!

Hi everyone!

Yep, I've been a little silent lately because I've actually been *gasp* PLAYING The Sims! :D I swear I just went in to test out my April Street lot... but then I started growing stuff in the garden, and got a few promotions, and then added a second level to the house, and...well... the rest is history! :)

I promise I'll get back to building starter homes soon!



In between working on some new houses, I was messing around with Body Shop because I got bored....and I actually made some nice Maxis recolors! I'm obsessing over teal and green shades these days, and so are my Sims since Maxis never makes clothes that match! :P Well, anyway, since I was so bored today, I came up with some teal and green outfits for Sim ladies. Two recolors I did came out particularly well, so I'm going to share! Keep an eye out for them in the next few days. :)

New Homes!

Yes, I FINALLY have some new lots done! Three have been submitted today. One doesn't require any expansion packs, one requires only Nightlife, and the other requires Nightlife, Open for Business, and Seasons. I'll update to let you know when those will be available. I've finally decided what I'm going to do, in terms of expansion packs. I have two computers that I use regularly to build/upload, so I've made one the computer that has all the expansion and stuff packs on it along with whatever custom content I like to use, and the other computer I have free of custom content with only Nightlife, Open for Business, Seasons, Family Fun Stuff, Glamour Stuff, and Celebrations Stuff on it. Hopefully these two combinations make for enough variety so that I can build lots that will appeal to everyone. I'm also hoping one of these days to get into object-making. I think what I'd like to do first, though, is try my hand at clothing before I go into objects. I hope to spend this summer working through some more tutorials before I mess around too much! :)

Update on Current Project

Well, I've got two 'base game'-only homes built so far, but I'm finding that I really dislike working without expansion packs! It's so difficult to create decent-looking homes without matching building materials. Maxis is so bad at that. (Though, yes, with their newer EPs they've started getting better.)

I'm considering switching my buildings to require the base game and at least Nightlife. Is that a fair combination to try? I'm assuming most people have purchased Nightlife, and my goal is to be able to create homes for the widest range of people.

If you guys have any ideas or opinions on this, please comment; I'd love to hear from you!



Latest Headlines

An update! Playing Around Back to Building Got House? Homes all around Playing the Game! Clothes New Homes! Update on Current Project
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