Crass's Blog
What I'm Up To...
I'm concentrating right now on building a line of starter homes that only require the basic Sims game. I'd also like to make them so that they feature NO custom content. We'll see how that goes, considering how awful Maxis items and decor materials are! :PA mini site!
Hi everyone!I've been really quiet here the past few months due to real-life stuff (graduated college, got a full-time job, planning a know, all that stuff that works out fun in Sims, but not in the real world!), but I'm hoping to have that change very soon.
Now I finally have some time to start working on object-making! (Though, don't hold your breath, because I've been reading tutorials for at least 3 years now and I still feel just as dumb as I did before I started!)
In the meantime, I'm still running the S2HBAA Monthly Contest, so please feel free to check it out under the Challenges and Contests forum in our Sims 2 Community area. The April contest is still open, so if you're interested, please don't be shy about entering! April's theme is Glass Houses.
I also would like to thank all of you who have stood by me and downloaded my walls, floors, and lots, as well as those of you who have commented on anything I've uploaded here. I really appreciate your support, interest, and comments! I hope that my work gets better and better so you have quality items for your Sims to enjoy!