So Much Talent!
I've been browsing some of the lots here at TSR and I have come across so many beautiful lots, not too mention, very, very talented artists! I am increasingly amazed at the architecture of some of the lots and I always wonder, "How did they do that?!" I am a big fan of srgmls23 and the architecture there on his profile. Take a minute and check out his site here on TSR and you'll see what I mean. I also want to take a little time here to express to the other very talented lot builders how big of an inspiration they are to me, and how I strive with every single lot of mine to make it more interesting than the one before. I can see how I've grown in my own right as a builder and can only thank the other builders here for my ever-increasing need to "fine tune" my talent and creativity. It's a bit of a challenge for me, if you will, to be as good as those around me, and I can name so many artists who have taught me SO SO much just by example (and it didn't hurt to ask, how did you do that?)....Tiko, dinad2610, iZazu, srgmls23, hatshepsut, MonteBoy24, Pinecat, Madisim, Alyosha, Huabanzhu...and I can probably name so many more. Thank you so much everyone!!!!