Clean Re-Install...Whether I Like it or Not....
Grrrrr..... Well...the game was running relatively fine for me lately, and I have been eagerly awaiting Ambitions. I decided to do some maintanence on my computer - to get everything ready. I did a Registry cleaning - but verified that the game and my other applications seemed to be working fine afterwards (the Registry cleaner has some safeguards for that - creates a SafePoint, and saves the old Registry until you tell it that the new one is working right). Then, I defragged my Hard Drive. Finally, I noticed that my Video Card had some new Drivers - so I downloaded them and attepted to install them. I had a #$@!!! of a time getting my Anti-Virus software to shut down completely and not interfere with the installation process! But, finally, after uninstalling and later re-installing my anti-virus software, I had my Video Drivers updated.
Well, I *think* it was due to the problem with the anti-virus software initially screwing up my video driver install, but The Sims 3 stopped working! It said that there was a missing componant or something wasn't being recognized and that I needed to re-install! Now, I was NOT planning to do a clean re-install of the game just for Ambitions...but I guess I sort of have to now. Oh well. I guess it will be good to have a fresh, pristine game to play in. Of course, adding in all the content that I want will be a pain...but then again, I can edit out stuff that I don't really need too. And maybe the tiny glitches I *have* noticed due to bad CC won't be there anymore.
Well, this *should* keep me occupied until Ambitions arrives....