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DiamondSim's Blog

Pattern # 4 Coming Soon!

I just put the finishing touches on the 4th pattern I've uploaded here to TSR, and, as usual, it was made with an original Photoshop brush created by me. I dont have time to scout for brushes made by others anyway; its a lot easier and much more fun for me just to make my own.  Anyway, the new one will be out whenever they can get to it, meanwhile I have a screenshot posted for a preview. Its been so much fun making these brushes and patterns, that Im just gonna keep making one after another till they get the new tools ready for meshing, then I am gonna tackle that. I can't WAIT till they release those for us to play with!

Another Pattern is Ready for Publishing

I just got everything finished and uploaded and I am waiting on the publishing date. This pattern is extra special to me cause I think it just turned out so well. There is not as much blue in it as I had wanted, so it doesnt look as much like a Union Jack flag on the guitar as I had intended, but, other than that, ROCK ON!!! :D


I do plan on making a sims3 selfsim eventually, but til then I just wanted to finally get my head out of the toilet! Its been stuck there far too long--and since I am feeling so much better, I wanted a new avatar that will reflect my new found excitement! ( If you dont remember my last avatar, it was two legs sticking out of a nasty toilet, like some poor dude in the middle of taking care of business, just got sucked down into the whirlpool. Nothing left behind but his undershorts and flip-flops) Anyway--my brand new avatar--as you can see, is certainly much prettier and far more uplifting to the spirits! I have only just begun to shine!

Getting Ready to Upload another Pattern

I have had a bunch of stuff I've been trying to learn to do lately, and making patterns is only one small part.  (Ask me about ELFPATH)  I have finally had time to make another pattern from one of my original brushes, and I love how this one has turned out! It is called Butterfly Medallions. The motif is a sort of stylized butterfly, and I think it turned out pretty. I gave it a soft blue and grey color, but of course you can play with making it any color you want! I have to go in game and get some preview pics before I submit it, so it may be a day or 2 before I can actually have it ready for publishing. I have made another original brush I plan on a making a pattern from soon, and it is an electric guitar motif! I have made 2 versions of it, one is just the guitar outline, but on the other one you should be able to see that the guitar actually has a Union Jack flag on it! And that is the one I am going to get ready for upload first, then I'll just do a pattern with the plain outline. :D *bounces*

I did it! Finally!

I finally made a genuine, 100%, bona fide, seamless, tileable pattern. I'm pretty much pleased with how this very first one turned out.  Since I got tired of looking on peoples Photoshop pages for "free" brushes to download, and seeing all sorts of dire warnings on using their brushes without giving them credit--I decided to learn how to make my own darn brushes.  So now any pattern I make will be made using my own original brushes. Of course I am eventually going to figure out how to make patterns in other ways; I am already working on a few. So I am adding my stuff to the stacks of millions poor TSR is getting inundated with. Thats just fine. I've got lots of original ideas, too, and plenty of time.  :D


I couldnt get my game right on release day, June 2nd--I guess Amazon was swamped with too many orders expecting release day delivery! I was ok with that--I knew eventually my game was gonna arrive! Besides--the official Sims3 site was a madhouse, and kept crashing.

Yesterday, June 3rd, at about 2PM, I heard my screen door slam. I was in my kitchen, and when I came out to investigate--I saw the UPS guy walking back to his truck which was parked in front of my driveway. I knew right away what had just happened!!! Sure enough, when I opened my front door, there was the unmistakable package which held my game!! Of course I fondled it gently for a second before ripping into it and slapping it into my computer to install it! And I have been lost in it ever since!!!


I see the official site is already up and running--no wonder--there are LOTS of things you can look at and do while you are waiting for your copy of Sims 3. I love the movie making tool--it's a lot of FUN to play with--and you get to hear a lot of the music in the game and use it for the soundtrack to your stories. So I made a movie just to check it out--its on my page, too! I've been sticking around there almost all day, making my profile, (Kattzyze, of course) seeing which of my friends have made profiles that I can add to my friends list. And much, much more! I had logged in this morning to play SimSocial--and what a surprise! I still haven't played SimSocial today! Once we all get our copies of the game and register them, THEN you can post in the forums and download the goodies that are already there waiting for us!!!!


I was casually checking my email yesterday, not expecting to see anything particularly interesting--when I spotted "TSR Kudos...Winner" in the subject message!  My heart started beating fast and my hands were shaking so bad I could hardly click!!! Could it be possible....?  Yes!!!  It was really from Steve! And I had won the Sims3!!!!  You just canNOT imagine how completely thrilled to death I am!!! I have been out of work for 6 months and I am beginning to worry if I'll ever find another job again, much less worry about whether I'd be getting Sims 3! Before I opened that email I figured Sims 3 would be out for months, maybe even up to a YEAR before I could possibly think about getting it! But I have WON it!!!!!!! I am sooooo happy! Thank you, Steve!!! Thank you TSR!!! I  always LOVE TSR in the first place, but I am just bowled over by this!!! I never win anything!! *does happy dance and then gives Steve great big bear hug and big sloppy kiss on the cheek *  And thank you, everybody, for all your congratulations!!! *kisses and hugs, too*

Clothes not Furniture

I know I said I was gonna do a furniture set next, but I got to fiddling with recoloring another dress mesh, so I've ended up with one finished dress so far. So I like the mesh well enough to do a few more recolors with it. I've made a preview screenshot, which of course will show up in the corner over there, should anyone actually be interested. ;D  This particular dress is silver, with a beaded-looking ornament on the bodice. Its in the everyday clothing area, but is probably dressy enough for evening wear.  So give me week or so (I'm slow, painstakingly detail-oriented, and my own worst critic) and I should have another dress set ready. :D Cheers

Small Update

I figured since it wasn't my birthday anymore, I'd better change my blog post to reflect that! :D Anyway, should anyone care--I'm gonna work on a furniture recolor set--soon--though at the moment I am working on something non-sim-related, and it hasn't been going well as I had hoped, so..... Ya know, everything I try to do NEVER ends up going as well I hoped--and it isn't because I'm so hyper-critical of myself--its because I try to do stuff that is so far beyond my skill level in it. When I hit a brick wall I am so frustrated that I can't go any further-- its because I don't know what to do next to get any further-- and usually after spending hours trying to figure out what to do next and not getting anywhere, I am stressed as heck--and finally realize its time to give up.  And then it just sits there in my mind, unfinished, nagging at me to try it again, maybe this time I will find the solution, but I resist, because I just dont wanna get stressed over it again. *sigh*

Latest Headlines

Pattern # 4 Coming Soon! Another Pattern is Ready for... MY NEW AVATAR! Getting Ready to Upload another... I did it! Finally! GOT MY GAME!!! THE SIMS 3!! I WON! I WON!!! Clothes not Furniture Small Update
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