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Dirtdevill's Blog

A New Poll& Poll Results

Hi, all! Today I added a New Poll. The question is about a picture with one of my new moddels. It's a very easy one, isn't that nice? And here's the result of my latest poll. PollsQuestion: Do you like Magic? Yes 68.75% (22) No 25% (8) Question: Do you like the new look on my Minisite? Yes 81.25% (26) No 12.5% (4) Question: Do you like Fairytales? Yes 75% (24) No 25% (8) Question: Do you think I am a Witch? Yes 34.38% (11) No 59.38% (19) Question: Are you going to buy Sims 2 Apartmentlife? Yes! 84.38% (27) No 15.63% (5) Thank you very much for participating!!! I'm very glad to see that the most of you like the new look on my Minisite! Grtz, Dirtdevill

Previeuw for this week

Hi, all! How are you? At the moment I'm at my hubbies pc. Because of the continnuing errors it's the only way for me to update my blog and to submit my sets once a week. But never mind, here's a little previeuw for you to have a look at my upcomming stuff. The first upload for this week is a Victorian residence. This house is build on a 3x4 lot. It's a little bit bigger then the most of my other buildings. The loading time of this lot is a little bit longer, but unles that, it worked fine on my laptop. I only have to warn you that your Sims wil need a good gardener, because of the many plants and the flowers! You also could deside to sell some of the many flowers and replace them for other plants. It's also possible to remove the plants on the right front of the building and create a second driveway. Your sims wil be very glad to have two cars!! Victorian Sunset: This lot is upcomming & aviable to download on 22-8-2008. Floorplan Upstairs Floorplan Downstairs The livingroom The spacious Kitchen The nursery for twins. Today I also submitted a set of 6 cute bikini's to update the closet & the looks for your girls. Hope you like them and enjoy the Summertime! Thank you very much for downloading & your great support! Grtz, Dirtdevill

Previeuw for the coming updates

This week I decided to create some nice recollors to update the closet for our Teen girls. I submitted 4 simsuites with the same patterns I've used on the swimsuites for adult females to. I also created 3 different stylisch outfits for them with original Ed Hardy and Roxy patterns. Hope you like them! Thanks for dropping by and wish you a happy Simming! Greetz, Dirtdevill

A New look for my Ministe

Hi, dear Simmers! There's a new poll online and a update on the look at my Minisite. If you like, vote and earn your 25 kudo's! At the moment I'm looking forwards for the next expansion, the Sims 2 Apartmentlife. I really love the idea that there wil be a little bit magic in it!!! From my childhood on, I always loved Spooky and Vampire stories and also all kind of Fairytales, with Elven, a lot of Magic stuff and (you allready gues it) ... Yes, Witches to! I hope it wil be a great expansion, with a lot of fun and a lot of crazy recepies, just like we had in the Sims 1 expansion, Making Magic. For that reason I've changed the look on my Ministe. Hope you like it! Huggs, Dirtdevill

New upates are comming

I would like to thank all of you who download my creations and for all of your kind words and patience. I know it has been a while since I've uploaded consistently, so I wil try to explain what happend; My computer has the Vista operating system, wich gives problems with IE and a sertain security update. It looks like there's something buggy with IE explorer and his updates, wich giving me huge problems to submit my sets. It also don't let me update anything on my Ministe, or write something nice to you on my blog. I went to the official Microsoft site and found out that a lot of webmasters are having the same problems, just like I do. I'm still in the process of tracking and looking for a solution. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe I found a way to upload? A few days ago I was very happy, after I discovered that I am able to write on my blogg when I'm using my Hubbie's laptop. His pc works on XP with Servicepack3 and not with Vista & Servicepack2 like my pc does. The next thing I am going to do this week, is to try if I am able to upload some new sets wich I have created at the past weeks. I have made some nice creations, so lets hope it wil go wel. EDIT: Yes!!! I submitted a set and it worked out fine!! Here's a little previeuw. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The updates for this week wil be 3 new lots. 1 starter - 1 commercial and 1 family lot. Pics wil follow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And finaly... Here are the results from my latest Poll, with 110 votes. Poll Question: For wich age would you like to see new recolours? Toddlers 19.82% (22) Children 27.03% (30) Teens 22.52% (25) Adults 32.43% (36) Thank you all for taking part of it, it's very much appriciated!! Grtz & Hugs Dirtdevill

Upcoming previeuw & submitting errors

Hi, dear Simmers! I have problems at the moment with submitting sets. I get an error message that says the set that I just created is not mine! Or.. it says I must have a least 2 items into a set. Wich is very strange, because I submitted 3 or 4 different items and it keeps telling me and telling me over and over again that I do not have a set. Stupid error!! It's very strange and I don't know why this happens, because never had problems with submitting a set before. I posted my question about it at the forums, hoping that there is someone who can give me a answer. Especially because I did see that I am not the only one who gets this iritating error. Here's a previeuw of the 3 different Toony T- shirt sets for boys- and 1 Toony set with 4 outfits for Toddlers, wich I am testing in my game to shoot some pictures for a nice previeuw. There's a lot more to upcome, but we have to wait until the error problem is over. I hope it wil be very soon! Thanks for reading and your sweet attentions. I wish you all a very nice weekend! Grtz, Dirtdevill

Upcoming Creations for this week

Hello, dear friends!! Thank you very much for all of your great support. I'm always so happy to read your wonderful feedback! This week I'm very buissy with my garden, and besides that I'm working on lots of new creations. The most of them are ready, but I have to take some screenies before I am able to upload them. For now on there's set of 4 different outfits with lovely Hibiscus flowers and tiger paterns. It contains 1 bikini & 1 swimsuite for girls, 1 dress for toddler girls and 1 matching diaper for both genders. Hope your Sims enjoy this Tropical summer! Here's a little previeuw for the upcoming creations for this week. I'm buissy with these ones. They are almost ready!

Upcoming Creations - H&M dresses

My upload for this week wil be four different dresses for adult female. They wil be released on 25 May. These recollors are ment to be for everyday and they are based on the mesh of one of the beautiful H&M dresses. You wil need H&M installed to see them in your game. Hope you enjoy them and that you got H&M stuff to! The beautiful Manhattan skyline murals on the background are created by brittie. http://www.thesimsresource.com/profiles/view.php?mid=341796

Changed the look & collor on my Minisite

Hi, sweetees! Yes, I did it! After a lot of thinking I desided to change the look on my avatar & my banner at my Minisite. I was bored of my avatar with the blue hair. Somehow it was beautiful and fairytalish, but.. I don't have blue hair! LOL!! It's black/brownish with a little copper shine on it. And I have to confes.. there are also one or two grey hairs. Or a fwe more. He, he, never mind... no one knows about it, just only you and me! I hope you like my new style? I do, and I am feeling very comfortable when I am looking at it. My (free) Hair comes from: http://www.rosesims.org/hair/rosehair_22.htm The wonderful eyeshadow is created by SussiSoGoodSims. You can find her lovely work at MTS.

Results of the Poll & a little previeuw

Hi, all! Today I added a new Poll. The question is: For wich age would you like to see new recolours? I hope you wil vote and earn your 25 kudos! Here are the results of my last poll. Question: Do you like ingame screenshots for previeuws the best? Yes 74.36% (29) No 20.51% (8) Question: Do you like photoshopped screens for previeuws better? Yes 48.72% (19) No 43.59% (17) Question: It doesn't mather Yes 38.46% (15) No 46.15% (18) I looks like the most people do prefer ingame screens the best. I tell you for wich reason I also do like ingame screenies better to. Photoshopped screens are sometimes very amazing, artistic & very beautiful. I really like to watch them. But.. many times they do not give us a good or realistic vieuw about the downloadable creations. Afterwards there is a big chance it wil give people dissapointed feelings about the downloaded stuf, because the creation seems not to be not what the beautiful screenie promised. Therefore I like the ingame screens better. There's no Abracadabra, they show you exactely how a creation wil look in your game. So now you do have an idea about my feelings on previeuw screenies... Whats next? I'm sorry for the less updates. I did'nt create this week as much as I wanted, because there were some festive days in my country and after those days I was ill. At the moments I felt a little bit better I created something for your toddlers. Here's a previeuw for the next upcoming Hawaii themed dresses. Hope you like them.

Latest Headlines

A New Poll& Poll Results Previeuw for this week Previeuw for the coming updates A New look for my Ministe New upates are comming Upcoming previeuw & submitting... Upcoming Creations for this week Upcoming Creations - H&M dresses Changed the look & collor on my... Results of the Poll & a little...
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