Dirtdevill's Blog
New week & New creations
Hello, dear friends! How are you? I'm fine and I enjoyed the day. The wetter in the Netherlands is really beautiful!! Past weekend, and also today, there were almost no clouds, it was just a little bit windy. Yesterday (Sunday) and also today on Monday, we did have a very nice temperature with lots of sunshine!!! Jippie, I love that! I really do!! With my family I went into the garden to drink a cuppa thee, with a little bit honey ( thank you bizzy bees!) and a biscuit to nibble. When I was sipping my tea, I enjoyed it very much to see to fly the first tiny butterfly's, and to hear those lovely singing birds. I love it and it made me verry happy and relaxed. When the evening has come, I've got an nice idea and I started to build a community lot. It's themed about relaxing from your everyday's routine job. We all need to do someting like that... Jep, Relax. It's very important!! Just sitting down, sipping your tea and enjoy the beauty of the annimals and nature! Today I submitted a fantasy dog and the community lot; "Auqa Del Fuego" with a swimmingpool. It's landscaped & surrounded with various tropical plants and a little creek to fish. Hope you like them...

What's upcomming next?
I worked very hard after uninstalling FT and created a lot of new stuff for adult female, teens and toddlers. Here's a little sneak previeuw... These cowspots outfits for little toddlers are uploaded today. My thanks to Cat3cm for creating the wonderful Radio Flyer Wagon that works like a toy box. My toddlers did have a lot of fun!!

Good news & Bad news.
Because of the bad patch I did have problems with my game. I uninstalled FT because of it and thats also the reason for the less uploads of my creations past week. I uninstalled my expansion not only beause of the bad patch, but also because this game never did get started up fine, or running on my pc like it schould be. I've noticed I am not the only one with the irritating start-up problems. There are a lot of people who are complaining about this issue to. This bad up starting was a irritating problem to me, because when I wanted to play this game, I have to put the disc 20 times, or even more than that in the discdrive!! For that reason it costed me lots and lots of time to create a previeuw for my creations. It took me about a half hour, or even more, before I was able to play the game. Past week I lost a lot of recollours I did create for FT. I have no fun annymore to play or create with this expansion. For that reason I decided to uninstal FreeeTime, and I am waiting for the day when EA gives us a good & decend and a wel tested patch. Well.. enough of that! After the bad news I have some Good news to! I'm back playing with the BonVoyage expansion and buissy with a whole bunch of new recollours for toddlers, teens and children. I also have a little previeuw of 3 FT dresses for girls wich I kept apart before I installed the bad patch. (Yes, I backed up my files).

New Patch for Free Time online
Hi everyone!
I've got good news for you.
The official German E.A site did put a few minutes ago the Patch for FreeTime online.
I am so happy for the people who can now get rid of 30 bad glitches!
The patch for FreeTime is here:
BTW: I'm buissy with a lot of creations.
You wil see a previeuw of some of them in a few days.
Wish you a Happy Simming!
Happy Easter everyone!
Past week I created four sets with cute dresses and matching undies, for our little toddlers to wear upcoming Easter or spring. Past days I submitted them, but at the moment I don't know yet when they wil be downloadable. I think it wil be soon, but not in time for easter. Here's a pervieuw..

A little Previeuw on the beachwear collection for teen boys
Like I promised, here's a little previeuw on the beachwear collection for teen boys. I really enjoyed creating them and my Teens looked great when I was playing the game. I would be very glad if you and your teen boys like them to. BTW: Because of FreeTime the trunks wil be found at Swimwear & Atletic. Please let me know if you are interested on another "only the Basic Game" versions of beachwear.

Upcoming creations for the next week.
Hi all! Thanks for downloading & your great support. It makes me really happy and I appriciate it very much! Excuse me for the les uploads past week. I did create and upload a lot of content, but I forgot to hit the key for the submission. For that reason there were no new releases. I'm sorry guys! I wil make it up to you, so I created a two sets of new clothing for the little toddler boys & girls.

Whats upcoming next?
At the beginning of this week I was looking at my page. Realised I did create a lot of nice dresses & outfits for teens, the sweet little toddlers and girls. Shame on you Dirtdevill, you nectlected the poor little boys you spoiled the girls! He, he, lol! But anyway, it's just like I told you, there's not so much to "shop until you drop" at my page for the boys. So I decided to change that with a some fine new creations. This upcoming week I Welcome you all to the BoyzZone! Submitted today...
Just uploaded & Thanks!!
Hi, welcome everyone to my minisite. I would like to say, Thank YOU all for downloading and all your great comments & support on my creations. I want you to know it's verry much appriciated by me and it also gives me a lot off new inspirations to create some new stuff! Here is a preview of some of my latest creations, coming to TSR soon...

Coming soon: Jungle Nappies
I did recollor some new diaper outfits for our little toddler girls, to wear for Swimming suites at the beach. If you like they also can be used for undies & everyday. These outfits don't need anny expansions to show them up in your game, because I used the Basic game diapers. I hope you like these swimming suites. I know toddlers can't swim like other Sims do, but I think they wil look verry sweet in these nappies.