DragonQueen's Blog
Catching Up
Other than a couple minor things, we're back! Clean-up is always a chore, but it goes quickly with good friends. Thank you, all! Your kind thoughts and ready hands are always a blessing. We truly appreciate it!
So....I'm finally able to start catching up on all the cool new stuff I missed! Hurray!
Almost there...
We finally got the house dried out and now we're just trying to get things sorted out... Gotta love Mother Nature! Anyway, we should have things back to "normal" soon. Sorry about the delay in my responses, but I'll get back to y'all asap!
Texas Flood
Much as other portions of the US, I am currently recovering from flood damage...(not too bad, we only got about 2" in the house.) I will be offline temporarily. Sorry!
Kudos Reward Items
Thank you to all who responded to my question about which expansion the kudos reward items were for. I appreciate it greatly! Unfortunately, I deleted the blog before getting a chance to answer each response individually. Sorry! My fingers are too quick for my own good, sometimes... Anyway, let me take this opportunity to say "Thank you!" to all who answered.
Pod Thanks
Found the prompt to add pods...call it one of my *duh* moments! Thank you to all who helped!
Stories Pod
Ok, now that I've had one story accepted and another pending, I'd like to put a Stories Pod on my page. Problem is, I can't find it. I've looked under "My TSR" and "Edit Profile Page," but it's not there. For those of you who have one on your sites, how'd ya get it? Is it part of the mini-site features? Curiousity's got this cat by the whiskers...! (Ow, hurts too.)
New Story
Well, being kinda out of commission had its benefits. I've gotten a new story written and submitted. It's called Busted. It's a short, dark tale of crime. I confess I'm a CourtTV addict as well as an avid Simmer... Hopefully it'll be approved and up soon...
Late responses
Unfortunately, my arthritis has set in because of the weather we've been experiencing where I live. I'm also running late on returning all your lovely comments and continuing my lively conversations. (Typing is not my friend today.) Once the meds kick in, I hope to be joyfully tapping away on the keyboard again. Please bear with me, I'll respond to all as soon as possible.
Still Working
I'm still in the process of rebuilding my town, so the story's still delayed. I'm slowly working my way back to where I was... *sigh*
The Lost City
After much sputtering and coughing, my town died. As I loaded Sims 3 to play, I was informed that the town suffered critical errors. Yep. All gone. Bye-bye. *sob* So now I'm back-tracking and trying to re-establish the community I had worked so hard to create. In doing so, I think I may have noticed a problem with two of my lots. Flaming Falls Diner and the Buccaneer Cove Education Center don't seem to want to load. I wasn't experiencing this problem while testing those lots. I was wondering if others were experiencing problems as well. Let me know, ok?
(Looks like any new downloads or stories may have to wait a little while...sorry!)