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DragonQueen's Guestbook

Jennifer_RNov 26, 2009

Hi DQ, your very welcome. Hope your feeling a bit better, the flu is the worst! Try to have a wonderful day! \:P \:\)

Emil99Nov 26, 2009

ummm.. how do you make a tutorial....i want to make a how to make a cute/cool bathroom, nursery, etc.

Peachybitz1Nov 25, 2009

have you got it yet? \:D

spitzmagicNov 25, 2009

DQ, thanks for checking out my screenies, have a super day...\:wub\:

kalirinahNov 25, 2009

thank you for commenting on the last chapter of my story \:\) \:\) I hope you will be better soon!! I am at home too atm coz the lil one is ill. Seems that a lot of people have the flu at this time.

fredbrennyNov 25, 2009

Hey DQ! Hope you are feeling better soon! I was glad my screenie made you laugh! You should see Fred stumping around in them grapes wearing her evening gown! I have a story out today. It's an end and a beginning. http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/fredbrenny/stories/details/title/Transformation%20%20Day/category/sims3/id/16795/ Tace care friend! Huggs, Fred

martoeleNov 25, 2009

Thanks again DragonQueen for you comment on Part 9 of Another Point Of View. Honestly, I thought that you had read already part 10. \:\)  Hey, I read that there's something wrong with your health... What's the matter..? \:\(

squeakersNov 25, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Dragon Queen! I was so happy to see your message, but am so happy to hear that you have the flu, I hope you feel better soon, and don't get any worse from it. I had my flu shot in september, since I have so many problems, I always get a shot, and the pneumonia one too. With my diabetes, heart problems, fibromayalgia, and other problems, that's all I need, is to get the flu.\;\) That wasn't very nice for your son to give you the flu, my youngest son always gives me his colds when he has one, aren't kids fun sometimes? LOL Speaking of kids, my youngest is leaving for he job corp on December 8th, I'm going to miss him big time, he will be gone for 1 to 2 years, and will be close to Canada, he is 18, and my other sons are 21 and 22. Are you all set for Thanksgiving? We are, but are not ready for Christmas yet, I can't believe it's almost here, and this year is alomst gone already!\;\)  Seems like time flies when your an adult, and it goes so slowly when your young.\;\) I showed my husband some of your screenies, and he loves them, so do my sons, they say you are really talented, and they love your lots as much as I do!!!!If I ever get sims3, I will be going on a downloading spree and grabbing up alot of your lots!!!!\:D Well, I'm off to sim for a bit, TC, and I hope you have as painfree a day as possible. Big gentle hugs,\:wub\:

madkitty13Nov 24, 2009

Haha. I laughed when I saw your comment!  I completely agree. How's the weather in your city?

shaml_sim Nov 24, 2009

I'm sure you won't let everyone down with your ending, whatever it may be. I don't have any expectations, I love surprises! It's just definitely got me hooked \:D And yea, I can empathize with you about the time it takes to go through all the screenshots and everything to make a story. If you decided to do another story, I'll be interested to check it out \;\)

IllandryaNov 24, 2009

Sorry to hear you are down with the flu ... it's actually spring where I am (the land of Oz) and while flu season is behind us, I'm stocked up on my allergy meds praying for summer to start - it is too hot for anything to grow so my allergies can settle down \:D

martoeleNov 24, 2009

\:\) Yes, it's me. The photo was taken about 4 years ago while visiting my daughter who lives in Ireland. So many remaining of castles, churches, chappels of the 12th and 13th centuries. Incredible but you may go inside and do anything you want. There's nobody around to protect it. \:rolleyes: Harvest of Soals (Shivers 2) is already very old; must be 13 or 14 years old. So you just have to look for them in 2nd hand stores.  \:\)

libertyNov 24, 2009

Yeah Fred & Barb love my creations but they asked permission in the very beginning, I'm fine with it. I just want to know who is using my lots for what... They use it for stories, aslong as no one re-upload it I'm quiite fine with it LOL ah it's a pitty you can't play now I hope your feeling better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs

DT456Nov 24, 2009

Aww.. \:D

fredbrennyNov 24, 2009

The final chapter of our story is out! Thought you might want to know! \;\)Hugs, Frederique

DT456Nov 24, 2009

Hi there! Thank you for the comment on my screenshot! \:wub\:

agapi rNov 24, 2009

Hi, thank you for your comment on my Regency clothes and on my picture, I´m glad that you liked them\:\) Have a nice day

spitzmagicNov 24, 2009

Happy Holidays DQ, thanks for commenting on Dragon Breath, I am so in love with China..\:wub\: \:wub\:

DOTNov 24, 2009

Hi hi \:\) Thanks for the nice comment on the Gallery Lighting \:\)  I love your screenies!   Happy Simming to you!

libertyNov 24, 2009

Morning I hope you have as much fun with it as I do! LOL I don't know if you have it already Thanks for reading my Story House on the Hill I'm glad to hear you like it, The next part is still in the make..... Have a good week

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