Elleb096's Blog
Layered Belt Dress UPDATE
Hi everyone
Some of you have commented saying that you're having problems with the dress. I think ive fixed it now and updated the file. If you're still having issues please feel free to let me know. :) :)
Hey guys, sorry for being absent for a while but i was having issues with my laptop and it turned out that the hard drive was dead basically. ive got a new one and i have all my artwork and files but not my programs. Ive been trying to recover as much as i can so it might be a while until i release some new cc. Im really sorry and i apreciate all of your support. Thank you :)
Hey guys, Sorry i haven't been active.
Im sorry I haven't been active recently. Life got in the way and im struggling on ideas for cc. Im working on something at the moment but im not 100% sure if i like it or not yet. Thank you all for being so patient. :)
About my Trendy Ripped Jeans...
Hey guys!
So alot of you have comment saying that there are some issues with the Trendy Ripped Jeans. Saying that your sims are experiencing embarresment and wearing them in the shower. I think Ive figured out the problem. I used base game underwear/swimwear as the base for the mesh so that might be whats causing the problems. Ive decided to put the texture over the skinny jeans mesh from City Living and hopfully that should fix the problem.
Ill upload it to TSR soon. Im sorry about the issues and thank you for the feedback :)
Thank you!!
I have been made a Select Artist! Thank you everyone for your support. xoxo
Follow me on Tumblr! :)
Hey guys! Ive made a tumblr page dedicated to the sims, where ill post lookbooks, screen shots and other random stuff. (maybe even cc previews). So if you'd like to follow me on tumblr, heres the link to my page : http://ellenneedscoffee.tumblr.com/ :)