EponaValkyrie's Blog
My Comments :o)
I would just like to thank the following members for their wonderful comments on my TS2 sets, it's my first lot of feedback and it's made me a very happy bunny! LOLMoonlitMaiden, Spacemouse, SimmyMother, indibabs, dragonheat83 and steelhips2. A big, big thank you to you all.
Weekly Releases - 30/4
Greetings allFor some reason the approvals have been very slow for the past few days. I had a set uploaded last Thursday and it only got approved Tuesday morning!!! LOL
Celtic Green Set - Friday 2nd May
Neon Red Set - Saturday 3rd May
Fleck Brick Set - Saturday 3rd May
I have other sets uploaded and pending, just waiting for the publishing date now ;o)
Hope everyone has a great week.
My Snakes
I've had quite a few people asking me about my Avatar lately and if the Snake on my head is real or not. Simple answer is yes! LOLThe Avatar picture is 4 years old. There is a newer picture of my Boa on my About Me page, taken about a month ago.
I have 2 Snakes, Hades the Boa Constrictor who is about 7 1/2 foot and still growing and the other one is Mr Nibbs, a Royal Python who is fully grown at 5 1/2 foot.
They are both 4 years old and very tame due to being well handled since they were young. The secret of Snake wrangling as we affectionately put it is always be respectful of the animal. Never feel too comfortable when you have them on you and always remember they are unpredictable and can change mood very quickly if something or someone upsets them.
Don't put yourself in a position where you could get hurt or injured. Like with Hades being so big now I always make sure there are 2 of us around if we are getting her out, for her safety as well as our own :o)
They feed about every 2 - 3 weeks and shead their skins about every 6 - 8 weeks (depending on size or damage). As Mr Nibbs is now fully grown his sheading will slow down. Hades on the other hand will continue at that rate for another few years yet.
If anyone has anymore questions, feel free to PM me about it ;o)
1000 Thank You's!
Woohooo!! I noticed my "Thank You" counter had reached just over 1000 this morning, so now it's my turn! LOLThank you to everyone who has downloaded, thanked or commented on my new TS2 creations. It has been a great confidence boost and given me the drive to learn new things too, heheheheh.
Yesterday I learned how to make bedding sets, yay! And I also started playing with SimPE, learning how to use it and seeing what existing items I would like to have a bash at recolouring.
My Photo Editing software could do with updating though as the one I'm currently using is over 5 years old! LOL Will have to save some pennies and find out what the best/most user friendly one is.
Weekly Releases
Greetings allOk this week we have this little lot being released here at TSR (so far) -
Wednesday 23rd - Neon Orange Set
Thursday 24th - Neon Purple Set
Friday 25th - Neon Pink Set
Saturday 26th - Celtic Gold Set
Sunday 27th - Pastel Dragon Floor Set
There are still 2 more Neon sets to be released, red and yellow. Not sure when they will be uploaded yet as I have to start work on making a new Vivarium for my Boa! ;O)
The release of the first Celtic set also sees a new style Set picture, I had mentioned I wasn't happy with some of the previous set pictures I had done, so I learnt how to make better ones! LOL I hope you like them :O)

Poor Hubby
I just want to say a big thank you to my Hubby Spike, who is bearing up well in the wake of my current creating addiction! LOL So, thank you honey, love you loads.He is an Artist, used to using brushes, paints, pastels etc. So I have been asking him his opinion on items, as I tweak around with them :o)
He isn't really into Sims either, but his curiosity on the design front is starting to kick in. I'm hoping he will do me some designs soon that I can convert into a digital image to play with and render ready for interior designs.
Quality - Set Pictures
I'm not sure I like the Neon set pictures, I'll admit this is an area I'm not very good at yet but it doesn't reflect the quality of the items themselves. It just means I still have a lot to learn about showcasing my creations! ;o)Neon Obsessed
I find myself having a strange attraction to Neon at the moment! LOL I'm not really sure why either but the weird thing is the music for Neon East district (The Urbz on PS2) keeps playing in my head too!! LOL So I have just prepped 7 different neon images into 7 different colours each ready to make into floors. Now I'm pondering how to split them for sets, by colour or by pattern?? LOL
Greetings allI've had my first lot of submissions approved, they will be published on site on Thursday!!!! *Does the happy dance*
I like the new submissions system, though it seems like it takes forever to edit the item details. Still, if it means less work for the team here and a quicker turnover for publishing then I'm more than happy. LOL
Off to make some more offerings, yippeeeee!!!!!
New Submissions
Greetings allWell I have been busily converting some of my TS1 walls for TS2, did have a panic trying to relocate the original images I used but managed to find them in the end! LOL
So I have submitted the Glow Dragon wallpaper set and am now keeping everything crossed that they get published. Thanks again to Atwa who advised me on making a set picture.
Also today I have added a new Banner, it's only a temporary one until i can figure out how to do something better. LOL
Well hoping everyone has a great day and week.