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Gtrgrl's Guestbook

lillkaJun 22, 2013

Thank you so much for your lovely comment. \:\) The hair is from Peggyzone, here is the link

BEOMay 26, 2013

The veil on the site

ShylariaMar 16, 2013

Thank you so very much for the lovely post you wrote about my Josette sim. I love Josette and Katherine Leigh Scott. I loved her as Maggie Evans. Would you believe she was working nights as a Playboy Bunny while she was on Dark Shadows? She had such a beautiful figure! LOL, I was 16 when Lara Parker started playing Angelique, and I wanted to be as beautiful as her. Im almost 62 now so I will never see those days again! Thanks again so much! *hugs* \:\)

squarepeg56Dec 20, 2012

Hi!! Do you have sims3 late night expansion because we have pianos, guitars, bass violins and drums in the game with that expansion? The violin shown in my pictures unfortunaely is just decoration \:\( I wish they would make it and a flute-that's what I use to play for the game-that would be so cool!! If you want a violin for deco you can find the one I used here: and the poses here: Lindsey Stirling is a violinist in real life so I thought it would be fun to show her with a violin-too bad we can't have it in the game!! Hope you have fun playing the game!! \:D

MINISZAug 17, 2012

Thanks for leaving a nice comment on my butterfly makeup set. I couldn't find the dowload neither, so I uploaded it on Mediafire. Here is the link:

marcorseJun 23, 2012

Hi Gtrgrl . and apologies for this late reply . due to health issues unfortunately. Thank you so much for the lovely comment on Dragonfly . \:D. and I passed on your remarks about the CC links in the Forum . . hopefully you were able to find what you were after . eventually! \:\) It occurs to me that everything in that list should already be in the download [provided it was still in the house when I uploaded it . and that isn't always the case because objects/patterns that I tested and discarded in the build process, can sometimes still appear there, but won't be in the file you download. A bit muddled that explanation, but should be clear on a second read \;\)] . Again, thanks for your comment. Marg.

WimmieMay 26, 2012

Hi, thanks for the comment on my Vampires hideout.\:D I haven't use any CC in this lot \;\). All the objects on my pictures are from the game or all expansions and stuff packs. The other objecte are from several sets from the Store: the Technophobe No More Set, the three free Halloween Treats Sets and the Gothique Living and Sleeping Rooms. I'm sorry, but TSR doesn't show all used Store items in the pictures. That's not my fault. I have mentioned it in the description. Anyway, I hope you'll have fun with the house.

terriecasonFeb 1, 2012

Hello Gtrgrl. You can use both. It will not replace any of EA's body hairs in the game.\:\) Have a great day. \:D

HarmoniaJan 27, 2012

hi, thanks for lovely comment on my Stylish Denim Shirt \:wub\: I really appreciate it!  blond hair by peggysims \:\) take care \:\)

murfeelSep 30, 2011

The Sims 3 Lulamai link is�lico/ TSR messes up links that use funny characters, and that's why the links sometimes don;t work. \:\(

murfeelSep 29, 2011

Thanks SO MUCH for liking my Practically Magical Lot! I apologize for all of the CC used--that is one of the lots I intend to do over at a later date with FAR less CC--it might even be taken down entirely, but I appreciate your determination to hunt down allof the CC in order to use it! \:wub\: Thanks for telling me about the dead link to Ama Sims. You can get the curtains at . What other links don't work? Let me know whenever you have problems, and I'll help whenever/as soon as I can! \:wub\:

GothicFairyTaleJun 14, 2011

Dear Gtrgrl,  One  friend of my told me that actually has a problem with the castle from the TSR. But not from the EA . Here the link from the EA. If you want you can download it from there.I'm trying to find out where the problem is. I hope that  I'll  can handle it.

LilyOfTheValleyMay 8, 2011

Hi \:\) Thank you for your nice comment on my Rocking Chair + Cradle. It is much appreciated. \:wub\: The tree and forest animal wall stickers in the picture are also my creations. You can find them here and here . They are recolorable, so you can change their colors/patterns to whatever that matches your wall color. Have a nice weekend!

deeiutzaMay 1, 2011

Hi!thanks for your comment!\:wub\:The showcase is under misc decor\:\)

lilliebouApr 17, 2011

\:P Thank you for your comment on my Pink Villa ! The white bushes are from the base game \:P They look white but when we look closely in-game, they are pink \:P They're called "Semi roses" and they costs 42 Simoleons \:\) Have a nice day !

murfeelApr 7, 2011

\:eek\: Omg you were SO right about using the Burned Skin! *facepalm* WHY didn't I think of that!? \:\( lol Oh well, thanks for checking him out! \:D I'm just going to sit in a dark corner and yell at myself now! :P

murfeelApr 4, 2011

Hi! Thanks for checking out my Alice sim! \:\) If you like her backstory you should read the entire A Day in Wonderland Saga in the Stories section, or on my profile page. \;\) And yes, they the Robotic Skin page links you directly to the Updated Late Night version--it works perfectly well even for people like me, who have no EPs and only the patches. \:\) This is the actual link GoS sends you to: Happy Simming! \:wub\:

TaaadiMar 19, 2011

Hi! .. Just underneath the last two pictures.. in realy small letters it says download! and than you can choose bettwen 4shared and rayfile!  Hope that helped you! .. If you have troubled just tell me \:\)    

TaaadiMar 18, 2011

Hey. You can get the vampire mouth right here: Enjoy!  \:rah\: 

OliverLastra23Mar 13, 2011

Clothing is a creation of mine, if you were looking for, thanks for your comment, you to have a great week

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