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GummiLove2's Blog

My last blog entry...

I was so excited about getting Generations...


But the reality is that I hadn't even gotten Generations until last night when my boyfriend finally grabbed it for me!  :D

Generations! (And rambling about weddings, gushy gushy woman stuff.)

When I'm finally able to afford Generations on Monday or Tuesday...


It's going to be so super awesome!  I haven't seen much of it yet but just reading about Bachelor and Bachelorette parties made me smile.  When my Sims get married it's a big deal to me.  I photoshop them up some Wedding invites and everything!  But, these will be super awesome additions to my game to make it more realistic for me.  I LOVE WEDDINGS AHHHHH!!!!  I'd say about half of my downloaded content in my women's formal wear is all wedding dresses.  I even have some bridesmaid's dresses and little flower girl dresses for toddlers and children.  I made a wedding dress based on a Maggie Soterro dress as well as my first clothing mesh about a week ago and I'm actually very pleased with it.  I will eventually put it up for download but only after I've used it for one of my own Sims' weddings.  I can't imagine some Simmer out there in the world using my own first creation before I do!  :P

Eisley concert tomorrow night!!!!

My favorite band of the past five years is finally coming back to New Orleans...

And I'm so freaking excited.  I cleared my entire schedule for tomorrow so I can camp out at the House of Blues so I can get in first and be in the very front.  If I'm lucky, I'll get a spot right in front of Stacy's keyboard.  My life will be so complete.

Plenty of Paper

Something's growing under that wing
I think a face is dawning
Oh no the books are growing faces
And you're lost quite classically
With your nose in a book
And it seems so fitting
And perhaps this is the end we've sought after for so long
And perhaps now it's done..

Ballerina Sketch Wall Art Preview...

I have been working on this sketch for a bit and I keep putting it away...


I really want to keep to it and upload it as wall art for The Sims 3.  I'll continue some of the outline today and maybe add a little color.  Here's what it looks like as of my last scan...


I'm Spoiled, and I admit it.

There are many, many advantages to being the youngest in my family...


One of those advantages is being able to get my dad to do basically anything for me.  I rarely ask for anything from him, and I think that's why when I do he usually oblidges.  This time I asked for the COMPLETE Sims 2 set for Christmas this year.  He did me one better and immediately gave me permission to use his credit card and buy ALL of it from the EA store.  Whaaaaat?  Thanks chichi!

Also, I'd like to mention that my first uploads were accepted AND published if anyone wants to head over there and see them :]

Learning Custom Content..:] started with patterns and paintings.

I have a new found respect for creators of patterns.


This is how noob I took me FOREVER to understand the RBG thing about making patterns..but in reality it is so so simple.  My problem was that I was trying to make patterns that didn't have easily distinguishable colors.  Derp.


Creating custom paintings was much easier, though.  I actually enjoyed the process and found it relaxing.  I uploaded some earlier..hopefully they get accepted.


In the beginning...

There was a seventeen-year-old lady named Takumi.  She lived in the humid, swampy kingdom of Louisiana, which lies in the southernmost part of the United States.  When she wasn't dawdling with this vast expanse of knowledge and entertainment that the young people called "the internet," she was studying for her exams.

Well...I couldn't help myself.  I'll stop talking in the third-person and past tense now.  I'm Takumi, and I love The Sims 3.  I also used to play The Sims 2 but I lost all my discs ages ago.  I'd buy them all again but that'd cost way too much...more than I can make with my silly little job at Taco Bell.

I can't make custom content so I'm pretty much a waste of space in the simming community {just kidding of course, Simmers are the nicest gamers I know} but I'm learning very slowly.  Mostly I just spend hours upon hours creating Sims.  I don't make/decorate homes in game because when it comes to architecture and interior design, I'm a clutz.  I'd love to say that I'm creative but that only applies to things such as art and sketching.

Since I brought it up, I'll mention that next fall, after I graduate highschool in May next year, I'll be going to college for art and music.  I've played piano since I was five and guitar since I was thirteen.  I sing as well but it's not very good.  My true passion, however, is flowing ingenuity through the point of a pencil..

I'm the most friendly person I know, honestly, and I talk to EVERYBODY.  Just send me a message or write in my guestbook and I'll definitely get back to you.  Definitely.

I'll go ahead and wrap this up, in case anybody is actually still reading.  I may even include some of my sketches in some later blogs.  Alrighty then, have a marvelous, safe day.

Latest Headlines

My last blog entry... Generations! (And rambling about... Eisley concert tomorrow night!!!! Plenty of Paper Ballerina Sketch Wall Art... I'm Spoiled, and I admit it. Learning Custom Content..:]... Introduction...
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