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Halfcreek's Guestbook

MartikaMay 14, 2008

You're welcome!\:wub\:

huckthatquarkMay 9, 2008

Just wanted to thank you in words for your lovely walls! I'm enjoying downloading many of them, and my sims look forward to them. (i'm a huge fan of the purple sponge pant and the burgundy wine walls!)

Gumby_GirlMay 8, 2008

hi halfcreek, you're welcome \:D have a great day \:rah\: Louise

superweinerdogMay 7, 2008

thanks for signing my guest book!! Keep up the great work!

indibabsApr 30, 2008

man halfcreek. your walls have me almost speechless. im totally shocked by how beautiful they are. you are a fabulous designer. i will be downloading forever since they are all seperate. i will enjoy the time going through the pages and pages of your walls. you are amazing and i cant say enough about your creations! thank you so much for your hard work and time and sharing them with us. you designers never get thanked enough. i sincerely appreciate your hard work and time. blue is my favorite color and you have lots of blue , beautiful walls! im in blue heaven right now! sincerely, barbara in indiana\:wub\:

jsfApr 20, 2008

You're welcome! So well deserved \:\) judi

sesameApr 19, 2008

Hiya Halfcreek! I wanted to stop by and thank you for the lovely comment on my Field of Wheat wall. I am so glad you like it and coming from a sister wall creator is was even more special \:rah\: I took a moment to peruse your walls and they are fantastic and from the looks of it quite popular. Keep up the good work and have yourself a wonderful evening \:D \:D Sesame

suthqueenApr 15, 2008

Halfcreek, thanks for the reply...my roommate is a professional bass player, so I love anything guitar related. And, since he is a Sim in my game, he gets to have some really great wallpaper that suits him! Thanks again!

kayannaApr 13, 2008

Thank you so much for your wallpapers. Your style often suits mine (or my sims?) exactly! It's so hard to find papers like yours, that are perfect for homes without being too modern or too extreme. Maybe because we are of a similar age, but I do like your taste in wallpapers! I look every day to see what you'll come up with next! I especially love the ones that have combined patterns, or the subtle ways you have combined colors. Thank you so much!

christina_w_023@yahoo.comApr 10, 2008

I just wanted to thank you again for making beautiful wallpapers!!! Yours by far are the best and most unique!!! I look forward to downloading more in the near future!!!\:cool\:

twofeeApr 9, 2008

and i appericate all your hardwork and thank you for sharing it with those uncapable of making things themselves, like me \:\)

roguebabeMar 26, 2008

Hey, thanks for updating me on the plush carpets published. They look fantastic!I will definitely be downloading them as soon as I get home from class. Oh, and might I add the bathroom tiles I saw featured on your minisite are beautiful \:\)

twofeeMar 25, 2008

oh halfcreek, the walls are beautiful \:\) i cant wait to use them in my game \:\) thanks so much \:\) you are so awesome \:\)

roguebabeMar 22, 2008

Hey Halfcreek, definitely let me know when you add some different colours of the plush carpet. I will be downloading them for sure \:D

PrincessMalfoyMar 22, 2008

Halfcreek- Hey thanks for getting back to me. I have been so busy coloring the walls of my real life new house that I haven't had time to think about the walls of my sims houses! Thanks for making some new colors. I look forward to them. Cheers. Courtney

twofeeMar 19, 2008

halfcreek, you rock my socks! i cant wait to see them. \:\)

twofeeMar 19, 2008

oh no, the blue bathroom tile is perfect as long as the bathroom isnt too large and you use a simple tile floor. and you dont have to make any special recolors...i was just wondering if you already had any. \:\)

annabel_leeMar 13, 2008

Ciao! \:\) I love your creations. Have a nice day \:cool\:

mightyfaithgirlMar 9, 2008

love your wallpapers!\:rah\:

ozarksMar 8, 2008

Your wall covering creations are wonderful! I am a 65 year old granny and addicted to the Sims2. I like to decorate walls with classic styles, especially Victorian and country themes. Keep up the good work. Granny Simmer\:rah\:

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