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Hellfrozeover's Guestbook

simboy161Oct 25, 2007

Hiya\:\) this time it is my turn to be antisocial-really sorry\:\) Anyway, how are you? I am recovering, shool is making me really tires, I had yet another exam today MATHS, i mean, who will ever need to know how to multiply fractions?! I have more in the near future. I have also had 4 teeth out, not at the same time and I am getting braces day before halloween\:\( \:\( \:\( Ennough depressing stuff\:D \:o What are you studying at college? I have just realised I don't actually know your first name lol\;\) I mean, i think we are good friends now(do you?) so should ve on first name terms\:P Have a good day-xxx\:wub\: \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\: \:rah\: P.S. How is the story coming on? lol\:\) \:D \;\) \:cool\:

RIDanceOct 17, 2007

Surprisingly, Oasis Island 7 is posted today! Thanks for your comments on part 6 and I hope you find some time to read this one. I never know how people are going to react so I hope you like it! Cheers. \:\) Rach

cariadbachOct 12, 2007

\:\) Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment on my latest story Annie, much appreciated. It will be a while before part two comes out as I am away on holiday and dont have my game on the laptop. - Keep safe and happy-Jane.

RIDanceOct 11, 2007

Hey there! Just thought I'd drop in to let you know that Oasis Island 6 is finally posted (after two months!). It took me forever to find time to do it but I'm sure you know how that is. I'm always glad to see when your latest Farmville story is up (and I can't believe what that person wrote down there in your gb! :eek\:\). I always enjoy them! Well, I'm not so sure how this sixth part will go over but I'm really looking forward to hearing what you thought! Talk to you later. \:\) Rach

lmfjaxxonOct 10, 2007

When I see a story I like, I always leave a nice comment and if I don't, I don't leave anything and I feel that we should be nice to one another. That's just my two cents \:D. LaTasha

newbie.t.Oct 5, 2007

\:D Thanks for the laugh!!! That's given me a wake-up boost! \:D She actually left a nice comment on one of my stories. If only she knew... \;\) [Going to read what comment she left] \:D

ElunaOct 5, 2007

no problems nice to read a good story

MinnieIDOct 5, 2007

Hahaha, I live for Gill, and your explanation made life easier \:\)

converse02Oct 4, 2007

and I should have also put: no offense to the other story makers on TSR.\:\)

converse02Oct 4, 2007

woo!\:D haha, I seriously love using him in my game, he makes pretty babies!\:\) Just thought I'd tell you, I was planning on using him in the next few chapters of my stories but my computer crashed and I lost all I had, which doesn't seem that big of a deal since I still have all my custom content but for some reason after re-uploading my game, it freezes every time I take any screenshots...\:\( yea I kinda just rambled on right now.\;\) but I can't wait for your next chapter, I love that story! one of the few good ones left on TSR...\:rah\:

vlasiu corinaOct 4, 2007

I'm really sorry for my rating about your story\:\( but I hate homosexuals and lesbians \:\( i am disgusted. And sorry again \:\(

simboy161Oct 3, 2007

Hey\:\) I like her hair now\:rah\: I am glad things are going well for chris\;\) Something unexpected should haopen, I don't really know if chris and archer will get bullied- it could go two ways. Hope you don't get writers block lol\:D I have decidd to start yet ANOTHER story which should be simpler. i hope that if I ever leave tsr\:eek\: i round off all my stories! Bye \:wub\:

newbie.t.Oct 3, 2007

Well Helloooo! Thank you buckets for your lovely comments (here and on blogger), I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! Thank you! Now, for Times Change, I literally jumped when I saw it posted and it didn't disappoint! So funny, and real. You'd better keep going withthat story, missy, or you'll have me to deal with. I love it! Gill makes me laugh - 'I heard that and will kill you later' Lol! Anyway, thanks again for your comments, and keep up the brilliant work! \:\) \:\) \:\)

samcactus101Oct 1, 2007

Hey there! I actually wanted to ask whens the next part of "Times Change..." gonna get released. But I saw new screenshots of the new part so I'll be waiting\:wub\: Brad is good-looking too!\:rah\: \:wub\: Btw, do you have a nickname or something? HellFrozeOver seems a lil too long..\:o \:D Not that I'm complaining, just asking...\:D

Bubnova13Sep 25, 2007

Thank you very much for your reply in my guestbook \:wub\: I've been learning English since I was 8, but it is stiil a problem for me to do without any grammar mistakes, especially in oral speech \:o And it's a problem to read in English, but only because it gets on my nerves((((( I like this language in general, but the amount of our classes and homework really pisses me off \:eek\:

lexiann123Sep 20, 2007

Hey Hellfrozeover! Just wanted to say THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for another inspiring comment on my third part of the "Why Do You Judge Me" series! Thanks for the compliment on my writing style! I appreciate that TRAMENDOUSLY! (Sorry if I spelled that wrong! It's late and I'm tired.LOL!) I hope you read the next part! *Lex*

newbie.t.Sep 10, 2007

Hi HFO, thank you for another lovely comment on my story, and for all the kind feedback you've given me. I can't say enough how much I appreciate it. And I'm already working on another story series! I'd like to do something a little bit like the best programme in human history. That's right, Hollyoaks!! Thanks again, and *mwah* to you!! \:\)

newbie.t.Sep 8, 2007

Thank you for such a flattering comment!! I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. But I still think you're a better writer than me! When I first read Times Change, it depressed me because I thought I'll never write as well as that! Thanks again, and I hope Ican catch up to you one day \:\)

DaishiSep 3, 2007

yeah i can understand how school could be boring, good luck with it \:D well i cant wait til the next part \:D

lexiann123Sep 1, 2007

Well... out of those three ideas one is DEFINATELY correct!\;\)You were right on target too! I guess you'll just have to see!\:P *Lex*

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