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Hellfrozeover's Guestbook

converse02Sep 1, 2007

oh thats good... I cant wait for me to go to college!\:D I have a year left...\:mad\: but you ended up at a pub?? haha thats funny. But yea I'll tell you when I read the next part.\:\)

simboy161Sep 1, 2007

Lol, you could say she got extensions? How is part 9 coming along? I am downloading subscriber material with the free subscription day, all that Kudos well saved!\:rah\:

lexiann123Aug 31, 2007

THANKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for looking at my screenshot "?" I really LOVED the comment!\:D Please, tell me what you think your idea is?!\:confused\:

Landau Aug 30, 2007

No problem. I see what you mean about not wanting this issue to be solved too easily; makes more sense to drag it out for story telling purposes. But you still could have Louisa try a little to get through to Arch's dad, but he's too far past narrow-minded and too set in that thought process to let her stop him. I've been at college for almost a week and so far I've enjoyed myself. Some of my friends are here as well.

WigwogAug 30, 2007

No, I didn't think it took long, really. It's great how your stories are ccoming along. My series are ruined!!

simboy161Aug 27, 2007

It must be the guys then\:D

newbie.t.Aug 27, 2007

Hello! Thank you! Oh I do love Portia, she's so eloquent. Yeah, okay she's got an attitude, but if she insulted you with such beautiful language would you REALLY care? Hmm? Okay, maybe not... Glad you enjoyed it, but there might be a wait until the next part. Maybe I'm 'energetically challenged' too? Or maybe I'm a lazy sod? \:\)

converse02Aug 27, 2007

Oh yay!\:D I got to finally see a preview for your next part in Farmville. WOO\:rah\: Anyways, thanks for commenting on my stories... I appreciate your input. Most people tended to go for the dad. That may change in the next part. ooo a hint!\;\) Beauty: Aug 27th Love: Sep 1st

simboy161Aug 26, 2007

just looked at preview\:\) Are hte people on the bed Gill and Javier? You can see by the shape of their legs and Javier's dress sense\:D

simboy161Aug 26, 2007

hey\:Dthanks for letting me know about th story, i'll be waiting\:rah\:

simboy161Aug 22, 2007

cool\:rah\: You can send me some if u like(soz if too pushy) I like secrets\:P ta everyone i know says im small and it doesn't bother me that much. I have very high metabolism so im skinny as well\:\( it bugs me sometimes \:o ah well Good Luck\:wub\: Paul xox

simboy161Aug 21, 2007

I hope you upload soon, i can't wait. You could have something unexpeced happening.Umm.......AHA\:eek\: Archer and Chris could get caught kissing or something behing the bike shed or in the park. BY the gruesome twosome, who then spread it around the school(sorry if i offend you but i can't remember if chris's parents ken(lol) that he's gay) if they don't,have them fid out, dunno how they should react. But if Chris and Arch get sick of the bullying they could run away to the city. Hope you like the idea(s)Sometimes I get carried away so I don't mind if you think the ideas are bad. I really like your series and I want the next part soon. **Newsflash 1** I am now 5 foot 1 inch \:rah\: See you \:D Paul xx\:wub\:

newbie.t.Aug 21, 2007

Hiya! Yes, all the pretty characters will be destroyed, mwah hah hah!! \;\) Really, I'm not that sadistic, but I just can't help but make their lives miserable... Is that so bad? I'm glad you enjoyed getting to know Swindle! I think Harquay'll be my fav in the next one though, I look forward to writing it (haven't even started yet! I'm almost as lazy with my stories as you! \:P ) Thank you!! \:\)

simboy161Aug 19, 2007

heya\:D lol I get all these warnings at schol about that kind of stuff but you are trustable\;\) Thank's for telling me about the software etc. Unless I can get free trials on the photoshop or if it is free to download anyway, I don't think I can do anythink apart from lots. Have you read my latest story. I can't decide what will happen next. I will pm you my ideas later on but I have started building an asylum or loony bin and completed the hospital. See ya - Paul\:wub\:

lexiann123Aug 19, 2007

Hey Hellfrozeover! I agree Phiona is a liekable character and yeah Noah definately needs a hug, and I think we both know who will give him that hug!\:wub\: \;\) WOW better than a few adults huh!? Well that means so much! I may only be thirteen, but I NEVER thought I was that good!!!\:eek\: Oh I'm very proud of this story and how people are actually getting the message I'm sending out. You definately don't have to be skinny to be beautiful because as long as you're you you're already GORGEOUS!\;\) The next part will be out VERY soon!\:D *Lex*\:P

converse02Aug 19, 2007

Oh me too! I can't figure out what I should do next in Love Everlasting, I tried to figure something out last nite, I ended up writing a new story. Hah\:D But you are so good at writing, I am sure you can figure something out!\;\) I have faith in you.

converse02Aug 18, 2007

I thought I should let you know that Javier is doing wonderful in my story, he's coming out in a new story I am writing, only he's a little older but still looks fabulous!\:D

newbie.t.Aug 17, 2007

I know what you mean, I always have an idea where I want to go, it's getting there that's the problem! Don't give up, you're such a good writer and we deserve to read your talent \:D

newbie.t.Aug 16, 2007

Thank you! Poor Swindle?! He's not getting off THAT easy! He's gonna have to sweat first. And Jemille will make another appearance in the story soon enough too... Thanks for reading and commenting, I really apprectiate it \:\) And get the next part of Times Change done, I love it! \:D

Landau Aug 16, 2007

Hey, your story is really good, I look forward to every part! I'm pretty sure I'm on to something, I just need the next part to confirm it, lol.

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