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Hordriss's Blog

Vampire Wedding

If you're in planning to marry off any of your undead Sims in the near future, you might have a use for my next item: Mina Murray's wedding dress from "Bram Stoker's Dracula", made on a standard formal gown mesh from the base game (so it doesn't have a proper Victorian bustle, sadly - just a screencap of one painted onto its rear). Originally designed by Eiko Ishioka (as were all of my Dracula costumes, so it's high time I paid her credit for them). ;)

Doctor Who #3

Yet another Doctor Who skin on the way, straight after the Brigadier. This time it's a costume from the Jon Pertwee era of the original series, screen-capped from "Carnival of Monsters" (1973). I have made a few other accessories for my 3rd Doctor Sim, including grey adult hair, grey adult sideburns, and adult wrinkles (as make-up), but I wasn't particularly happy with them, so I haven't submitted them. If you would like me to do so, I would be happy to, or to "grey" any other hairstyle that you prefer.


More "Doctor Who" themed clothes and hair on the way: the original uniform for Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (seen mainly in season 7 of the original series) and a matching cap / beret. If anyone likes the uniform and would appreciate versions for other ranks, please let me know. It just means switching insignia, which I can do in five minutes.

Again, I have used a "bump map" to try and add depth and detail to this skin, but I'm not sure if it doesn't just obscure detail and give it a very peculiar texture. I'd be grateful for feedback, as I'm wondering whether or not to keep using these (My previous clothes may have been flat and texture-less, but I thought the detail was at least clearer on them).

Prince Vlad of Somewhere

Yay! Someone has fixed the Windows Media Player bug that stopped me from taking screencaps, and I have finally been able to make the grey "Prince Vlad" suit from "Bram Stoker's Dracula". Sadly, screencaps don't provide the best quality (and I couldn't find any good exhibition pictures or publicity shots of the costume), but I have tried to add a bit of realism to this skin by doing something I have never done before (because I didn't know you could do it, silly me): I have made a matching "bump map" for the skin. Don't be afraid to tell me if it looks appalling, though, then I shall know to leave well alone in the future. ;)

Cyberman Helmets

It took me a while, but I have finally made some helmets to match the Cyberman skintone Mk 2. They are based on a standard game mesh (the fur hat) so anyone can download them, but there are two majors limitations:

1) They are not the correct "earmuff" shape. I had hoped I could have used the earmuffs from "Seasons", but haven't been able to access them in Bodyshop.

2) Because it is a hat, it can only be worn as everyday hair, and otherwise appears as a standard black hairstyle. Unless you have the option to select different hairstyles with outfits (which requires one of the EPs - possible "Seasons") you might prefer to keep your Cybermen bald.

Carfax Abbey

I don't bring out many lots these days, as it's hard to avoid using expansion pack items and that limits the number of people who can use them, but I will shortly be releasing my interpretation of Carfax Abbey (Dracula's home in England, in the original novel and some film versions). I found my vampires needed a new home, after the mailbox in their old one developed a nasty bug and the looming threat of the repo man became apparent. :(

To use this lot, you will need University, Nightlife, Seasons, Open for Business, and Bon Voyage (I'm afraid).

Tenth Doctor Who

My next project (or, last if it's already up before I can be bothered to update this blog), is David Tennant's costume from Doctor Who. I don't see much of the show these days, so I can only hope this is the current thing in Time Lord fashion. If it isn't, please feel free to send me the pictures of whatever is. I am always happy to take requests, but I have long given up hand-drawing skins, so good photos are always a must.

The Fifth Doctor

I never thought I'd do another Doctor Who skin, but by request I have just submitted the costume for the fifth Doctor, as played by Peter Davison. The coat is too short, alas, but I couldn't use the pirate coat (the boots were completely wrong) and I don't like downloading custom material. On the bright side, this does mean anyone can use it, even if they have no expansion packs or are as frightened as I am of custom content. ;)

New Period Wear

Historical clothing has long been my mainstay, from my early (and very basic) creations right up to the present. At the moment, I am working on more early Twentieth Century clothes, 1920s and Edwardian. I hope to release a fair few outfits for both genders, but it depends upon what good quality photos I can find online (as hand-drawing never gets very good results for me). If anyone knows of a particular outfit they would like me to make, and has access to good front and back photos of it, please feel free to request it. :)

Civil War Generals

I will shortly be releasing new versions of my US Civil War uniforms for generals (both US and CSA), and will be happy to add any other ranks for anyone who is determined to re-enact the Battle of Gettysburg in spite of all the game limitations (and very good luck to you ;) ).

Latest Headlines

Vampire Wedding Doctor Who #3 UNIT Gear Prince Vlad of Somewhere Cyberman Helmets Carfax Abbey Tenth Doctor Who The Fifth Doctor New Period Wear Civil War Generals
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