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Hordriss's Blog

BBC Robin Hood

I've never actually seen this series, lest anyone mistake me for an expert, but I've had a couple of costume requests, and the first of them should (hopefully) be on the site before long: a costume worn by "Lady Marian" from the second series (Presumably the lass who I was brought up to refer to as "Maid Marian", but how times change...). ;) I shall also be attempting a costume for Guy of Gisbourne before long.

Confederate Uniform

There will finally be a uniform to match my Confederate hat. Just adding the finishing touches now, and will submit it very soon. If anyone would like me to prepare versions with specific rank or insignia, please do tell (and don't forget to include pictures ;) ).

Middle Aged Kids...

Let me put that more clearly: I was requested to make some clothes for medieval children using default game meshes, and though I have had no luck with the boys so far (since there are no non-custom tights meshes for them) I have managed a couple of outfits for medieval little girls. They're not very glamorous, as they were requested to be suitable for athletic wear, so I have listed them as peasant clothing. I will make pretty medieval dresses if anyone likes, but I shouldn't wonder if there are thousands of them already out there (which is no doubt why I get the less glamorous jobs). ;)

Colonel Brandon

If you're still building a Napoleonic army, you will soon have access to a new recruit: Colonel Brandon's dress uniform from the 1995 film of "Sense and Sensibility" is, as I write, in my pending list. :) In order to get a proper shape for the riding boots (rather than just painting a "naked" mesh, as I used to) I have had to make this outfit as a separate top and bottom, and the bottom half will require Open For Business. If this is depressing for you, please let me know and I will try a version of it on a naked mesh (though I think it may look quite horrible).

Teenage Mina

Yay! :) Found a site full of reproduction costume images from "Bram Stoker's Dracula" (Easily the best looking vampire film ever shot, albeit not the best-acted by a long shot...). I seem to have done most of them, but there's one more I've overlooked - Mina's aqua-blue party gown. Since I have yet to make a Victorian outfit for a teenage vampire, I'm releasing it as a teen outfit (Everyday / Formal). However, I am always happy to re-release any of my recolours for different age settings, as long as I can find a suitable mesh.

Jane Austen Dresses

Two more Regency Style gowns are on the way: one for adults (requires Nightlife) and one for teens (no EP needed). Hope they help all of you Austenites who are desperately trying to re-enact the great novels within the limitations of Simsville.

Regency Wedding Gown

I have been promising more Regency clothes, and finally overcame my laziness enough to recolour one of the "Nightlife" gowns to a passable resemblance of Marianne Dashwood's wedding dress (from "Sense and Sensibility", dir. Ang Lee, 1995). Hopefully, it should be approved and published before long (or even by the time you read this :) ).

The Prisoner

Next due: another lot from my Portmeirion / The Prisoner collection (Chantry Cottage - a residential lot for 4 sims). Would that some kind soul would now custom design a Mini-Moke for the driveway...

Sweeney Todd

Couldn't resist, mate... The Demon Barber's outfit and hairstyle are next in line, and Mrs Lovett must surely follow (Her main dress has already been done, but I am quite keen to attempt her red and white "by the sea" dress, if I can find good pictures). A pie shop lot would seem a good idea, though I can't promise any trick chairs, trapdoors, or sim-sized ovens, alas and alack...

Civil War

Next due out: a slightly flawed Confederate Hat (with one backwards badge, due to an unfortunate mirror-imaging on the mesh). Still, I hope it helps all you eager Civil War re-enactors out there...

Latest Headlines

BBC Robin Hood Confederate Uniform Middle Aged Kids... Colonel Brandon Teenage Mina Jane Austen Dresses Regency Wedding Gown The Prisoner Sweeney Todd Civil War
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