ILikeMusic640 (1452141)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (338 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Mar 14, 2013
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1926 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Basement Typewriter
Published Apr 9, 2011
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hey everyone! My name is Claire, I'm 20 years old, and I'm from the US. When ever I have a little free time, I fill it with creating. I love to create clothes and accessories for the Sims 3. I mainly make everyday clothes. I've been playing the Sims since the original game but I just started creating about four years ago. Enjoy my stuff and please do comment, I love to hear everyone's feedback, good or bad!
A little bit more about me:
If you want to see (or buy) some of the things I make in real life, check out my Etsy shop at . I hand-make hair accessories and bracelets!
I'm a third year Marketing student.
My Latest Updates Show All
Activity Update (March 2013)Written Mar 11, 2013
Hello friends! I realized I have not published anything for Sims 3 in quite some time. School has gotten the better of me. However, I'm working on a few items today. So, expect new creations soon! In other news, I have been working on updating the meshes for many of my Sims 2 creations. Since Glamorous Lounge has gone down, I've hosted the files at media fire until further notice. If you... ...More
FREE Schedule **Summer 2011**Written May 26, 2010
Here's the schedule for what sets will be free for the upcoming weeks. Each set will be free for 1 entire week. -Claire **Sorry for the gap in the schedule earlier this year. School got the best of me! I try my best to keep it updated! April 18-25: Here's Your Letter April 25- May 2: You Remind Me May 2-9: See by Chloe Superset May 9-16: Dust Storm May... ...More
Looking For Hair?Written May 17, 2010
A TON of people have asked me where I download my hair. I decided to just mention it in a blog so they can find out for themselves. I download a lot of hair from Peggy , Newsea , Raonjena , Coolsims , and Janita . I hope everyone finds what they're looking for. These creators are some of my favorite and definitely some of the most talented.... ...More