Where are the...
Back in September the call went out to new...I REPEAT...NEW!!!!!! artist to join the ranks of the TSR artist team. Where are they? the advertisement should have said....."Yeah a new game as come out...we are just going to wait for all of our Sims 3 artists to make something for this game and then make them featured and select artist for the Sims 4 also" NOT! "looking for NEW artists for the Sims 4" So I ask again where is the new blood? I have seen and commented on so many submitters house that have beautiful floor plans, amazing decoration, and outstanding landscaping. All TSR wants is a pretty front presentaion picture...they really give no crap about the rest of the house...as long as the first picture is pretty. The featured and select artist of Sims 3 and 4 are the exact ones that won the decorating contests over and over and over and over again during Sims 2. So the resy of us may as well pack up our stuff and go home. Beacuse even if we could defiy sim physics and create houses made from clouds we are never never going to make it on this already formed, stagnating, and broken website.