The World...
The World is geting done. I final got the Steel age Tower, The staduim, hospital and lab, cityhall, market, the fire station, department store (Which is the Bath & Book from Late Night), Dome over the outside pool, some subway stations, a library, a criminal wearhouse, a laundromat, and one more apartment buildings all done. But the place is still looking like a town and not a city. I think it has to do with the hight of the buildings.
Oh, before I do forget. Some of the very tall buildings have a glitch on them, but it only shows up when you are not on the lot. I have some pictures of the world, but not many of them yet. I will get more as the days go on.
Put first I need to find a way to post them. If anyone has a clue about puting pictures on the blog. Please comment and let me know, it would help a lot. Thanks for reading. Sorry about the Image being so large, but I don't know how to make it smaller.
There are more buildings on the Island know, and the pitures will be added latter this week.
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