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Jennifer_R's Blog

New poll!

Hey everyone! I have a new poll up on my minisite if anyone is in need of some Kudo's...or if you just like taking polls! lol Below are the results to my previous poll, thanks everyone who participated.


Question: Will you be buying the new TS3 EP, Ambitions?

Yes   79.1%
Maybe 13.43%
No, I play TS2   7.46%


Question: If you are what Ambition will you be trying out first?

Private Investigator 16.42%
Stylist 29.85%
Firefighter 16.42%
Ghost Hunter 16.42%
Sculpter 10.45%
Tattoo Artist 10.45%
Inventor 14.93%
Architect   20.9%
Interior Designer 23.88%
Doctor 13.43%


The Drifter Update

Hey everyone, hope your all having a great weekend! A new update of The Drifter has been posted on my sim blog, for those of you that are interested in seeing how Will & Eliza are settling into their new home.

This is where you'll find it:

Hope you enjoy and have a great week!

~ Jen :)

New lot & two new sims

Hey simmers, I have new lot published called The Riverside. If your sims are in need of a sapcious family home then please pop by my minsite and check it it out. It has all the extras, 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, large kitchen and living areas, bar, double garage, pool, alfresco area, playground and more! It also includes some CC & World Adventure items, as well as some EA store items too. Sorry I find hard to not include these things when creating a lot.

Also, a while ago when I had some spare time I created two new sims and have finally uploaded them. Chelsea Murphy and Dylan Jackson. Both are young adults and have World Adventures traits so you will need that EP.

I don't upload very often, it's a time thing, plus I'm more into writing stories anyway, but I hope you enjoy these! And thanks to those who have already downloaded them. ~ Jen ;)


Hey Simmers! I have a new poll up on my profile page. It's in relation to the new TS3 EP, Ambitions. So if you are hungry for some kudo's or just enjoy taking a poll then stop on by! :)

Also I just read some where that one of the many objects added into the new EP is a trampoline. Awesome! Who doesn't enjoy jumping on a tramploine. Hee, hee... I have a feeling that this EP is going to be a fun one!

Below are the results to my previous poll:

Question: Have you jumped on the Twilight bandwagon?

Yes 45.88%
No 55.29%


Question: If so, have you read the books?

Yes 38.82%
No 36.47%
1 or 2 of them   4.71%
I read them ages ago! 15.29%


Question: Did you like the books or the movies better?

The books 40.00%
The movies 15.29%
Both 18.82%


Chow for now ~ Jen.

The Drifter - Finale Published

Yes you read right, the final part of The Drifter has been published. I just wanted to write a short blog post to thank everyone who followed The Drifter and all the wonderful comments that everyone has left. Your support has been over whelming and I really appreciate it. That goes to TSR as well, for the opportunity to have our stories published and featuring them on the front page.

I have become quite fond of Will & Eliza and think that I'll continue to play them right up until they pass on. (Not sure when that will be though as I have aging turned off! lol) I probably won't do a follow up story as I have a couple of new ideas that I'd like to start on soon, but I will upload some snaps later to update everyone - if you are intrested.

First though I will take little break from writing. I have created a couple of new sims and a new lot that I'd like to submit (which I have been working on since February), but I'll be sure to let you know when I have another story out.

Thanks again everyone,

~ Jen xo  ;)  

20,000 Page Views

Joy to the world, I've reached 20,000 page views! Thanks to each and everyone of you who have taken the time to stop by my profile page for a chat, to read my stories or to downloaded my creations (although there's not many of those! lol). I really appreciate it and I cherish everybody's friendship that I've gained along the way.

~ Jen ;)

The Drifter - Part 9 Published

Hi fellow simmers! For those of you wanting to find out what happens next with Will and Eliza, well Part 9 of The drifter has been published. I didn't want to keep you all waiting too long and planned to have it finished on the weekend, but a few other things took up my time and I think it's best not to rush through it.

If you missed out on part 8 or any of the previous chapters then you can find them on my profile page by clicking on the 'My stories' pod. They are all there! ;) 


The Drifter - Part 7 published

Hey all! For those of you who have been following my story, The Drifter, well I have finally submitted part 7 and it has been published. Apologies for taking so long on this one, it did take me a while to finish. I have so many ideas for this story and directions that I'd like to take it but you can only fit so much into one chapter or part! ;)

The Simple Things

Simple things that brighten your day when you are feeling down. I'm talking about my story being featured. Sunday afternoon I took our dog to the vet as he hasn't been well for the past week. He was throwing up and not really eating much, very lethargic and wasn't his usual happy self. He enjoyed simple things like lots of pats and fetching his ball. He loved human food snacks but was never piggy when it came to eating. His name was Tezza. 15 or 16 years old he was, well I had no idea and he certainly didn't look it. My boyfriend saved him from the Blue Cross many years ago to become a brother (or mate) to his other younger dog Shorty, a German Short-Hair Pointer.

I wasn't that close to Tezza as he could be quite snappy, we think because of his previous owners before the Blue Cross. But Glen, my boyfriend, had a special bond with him. We both silently knew that this was it for little Tezza. Glen said goodbye to him at home and I said goodbye to him at the vets, it was all very sad.

I guess I just wanted to say thanks to TSR for featuring my story as it couldn't have come at a better time, it really did brightened my day and thankyou everyone who has commented on this part. Your words have also brightened my day.

RIP to little Tezza, your craziness will be missed.

Stories page

Is there some maintenance being done on the stories page today? I ask this because I am unable to read some of the stories on there today. I can get into the story fine but when I click on the arrow to see the next picture/text it doesn't do anything. Also if I click directly on the next picture it goes to a new page with just the picture. Is this making sense? Maybe I will wait until later to read them.

Latest Headlines

New poll! The Drifter Update New lot & two new sims Ambitions The Drifter - Finale Published 20,000 Page Views The Drifter - Part 9 Published The Drifter - Part 7 published The Simple Things Stories page
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