
14Creations 6,450Downloads

Jennifer_R's Blog

1500 Downloads - Thank you!

I recently reached just over 1500 downloads. Ha ha ha! I know this is not alot to some but as I don't really create much I'm quite happy with it. So thank you to everyone who downloaded my sims.

Story - Chapter 5 has been published!

Hey there simmers, for those of you that have been reading my 'Retirement 101' story, well chapter 5 has finally been published! Or if you would just like to read a loving story about an elder couple then please check out my earlier chapters as chapter 5 is a continuation.

Happing reading & simming! ;)

New Poll

Hi again simmers, I have a new poll out and it's regarding how you make your profile banner. There is an option for everyone to vote so come and get your kudo's for the day! :)

Poll Results - Downloading Sims

Hey simmers, below are my the results from my poll about downloading sims. There were two questions:

1. 'What do you look for when downloading a sims?' It seems that alot of people like to download sims with 'custom content' and why not! Your basically getting two prezzies in one! Second was 'age' and equal third was 'Gender' & 'I only play my own sims'.

Personality Traits 14.29%
Age 28.57%
Gender 25.71%
Lifetime Wish   2.86%
Favorites   8.57%
Custom Content 31.43%
I only play my own Sims 25.71%
I don't download Sims 20.00%
I'm not really fussed 14.29%

2. 'What age and gender do you prefer?' Downloading 'Females' and 'Young Adults' is the most popular choice. I didn't think that there would be such a gap between the sexes. Although I pretty much thought that young adults would be way up there. Coming in second was 'Depends on what I feel like playing' and 'Adult' was third.  

Male 28.57%
Female 57.14%
Toddler   8.57%
Child 11.43%
Teen   8.57%
Young Adult 54.29%
Adult 22.86%
Elder   5.71%
Not really fussed 11.43%
Depends on what I feel like playing                                     25.71%

Thanks everyone who took part! ;)

Stories & Screenshots not in profile menu

Stories and screenshots don't show up in my profile menu. Just to make it clear, the menu that reads Index, Downloads - Sims 3, Galleries, Challenges, Polls, Blog, Guestbook. Does anyone know why this is so? It's nice to have easy access to view, especially for other people that might be visiting my minisite.

New Sim

Hey all, I have a new sim that has just been published. Her name is Amanda Farrow. She is a young adult, she has dark skin, black hair and green eyes. Her traits are good, flirty, schmoozer, slacker and neurotic. She loves the color green, her favourite food is a peanut butter & jelly sandwhich and she loves to boogie away to pop music. 

If your looking for a new sim pls visit my minisite and check her out!

Oh no!! Help pls!!

OMG! I just deleted my screenshots on the Sims 3 launcher and I didn't realize that it deletes them in the screenshots folder too!! Arrgghhh, I'm such an idiot!! I'm so bummed that this has happened. I had some great screenshots that I wanted to use for my stories and now...well....I don't know. :(

Does anyone know if it's possible at all to retreve them somehow?? Surely there is a way?? Surely I don't have to go back and retrace my sims steps again??

Please help!!

Wild Weather

We had some wild weather in Victoria last night (in Australia, for those that aren't sure where I'm talking about). I was typing away on my computer at work and it was getting windier and wilder outside, some people started leaving for the day because they have a long commute home. Never did I think that maybe I should have left early too.

Driving home on the M3 (freeway lol) on the way to feed my horse. The wind was trying it's hardest to push my car off the rd. I had to hold on tighter than normal to the steering wheel. I arrive at the paddock and it starts to rain heavier and then hail is pouring down too. I want to get this over and done with so I exit my vehicle and procceed to change into my gumboots and sort of waterproof jacket. Suddenly there is no time to change I have to get to shelter, the wind has picked up and the rain/hail is getting heavier. 'This is crazy' I think. I run to the small shed which is like 5mtrs away and I slip over! Ha ha yes I fell in the mud! Your all laughing now and yes it was funny for a sec. I curse and run to the corner of the shed. My heart is beating fast and I feel a bit shaky. The horse feed bucket has fallen over, my gloves, the feed and scoop have fallen out. I run to pick these items up and quickly chuck them in the bucket. The weather is not holding back it feels like there is a hurricane going over the top of me. There are claps of thunder and I see lightening in the sky. I look up to my horses paddock and he is not in his shed. Silly horse. He has his head hung low and the wind is almost pushing him over. Branches are literaly blowing off the gum trees. Finally it calms for a bit....actually calm isn't the right word. The rain continues but the hail stops and the wind isn't as harsh. I run up the lane way, then run up the paddock to safety in my horses shed. He gets his feed and I race back down to the car. On the way home there are trees fallen down on almost every rd I pass. Motorists are having to swerve from the branches and trees that have fallen. My driveway is in sight and the automatic garage door goes up. I give a massive sigh and am happy to safely arrive home and be ALIVE! 

This was the worst storm I have ever experienced therfore I would like to know of anyone else's 'wild weather' experience's.

New Story

Hey there, I have a new story that has just been published. Actually it's my very first story. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Chapter two will be on it's way soon.

Thank you, thank you!

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the artists that are creating for the Sims 3. I went on a little downloading spree last night and some of the creations are just amazing! Clothing wow! Lots wow! The game really is so much better with all the custom content. And I know it's only going to get better and better further down the track. I think we (and our simmies) are truly spoilt here at TSR. ;)

Latest Headlines

1500 Downloads - Thank you! Story - Chapter 5 has been... New Poll Poll Results - Downloading Sims Stories & Screenshots not in... New Sim Oh no!! Help pls!! Wild Weather New Story Thank you, thank you!
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