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Jennifer_R's Blog

The Sims 3 and a new car.

Hello fellow Simmers!

Not long to go now! I'm starting to get excited! 15 days until we get to load up version 3 of the Sims on our laptops & desktops.

I'm so curious. How will it look compared to the Sims 2? I remember when I first loaded the Sims 2 after playing the Sims 1. Wow! I thought. It was such a difference. It took me a while to get used to everything (and my computer struggled but that won't be happening this time around). It was such an improvement. From then on I would experience a love affair with the Sims that would last forever. 

A major part I'm really looking forward to is your sim being able to visit the whole neighbourhood without us having to wait for the loading time. We'll be able to watch them ride their bike (this will be funny) or drive the new sports car down to the shops and get a bite to eat. Or maybe the park to play on the swings and frolick with their fellow neighbours. It's going to be awesome! And the new personalities look like they are going to be very funny and interesting to play.

It will also be fun to dabble in the creating side of things which I've always want to do. I have never recoloured or created anything in the Sims 2. Obviously my own sims and houses but that's about it. Everyone's creations on TSR look amazing. And I'm egar to get my hands dirty. (So to speak). 

I'm just letting everyone in on my excitment on a few things in my life at the moment. The Sims 3 and my new car. After saying a sad (but quick) goodbye to my little Lancer and after 2 weeks of hiring a tire-some rent-a-bomb I'll finally get to drive my shiny new black car off the showroom floor! Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading & chow for now ;) 


I have a question or two?

I spent some kudo's on Profile themes/colours the other day. I selected the colour 'purple' and 'saved changes' but my profile is still the usual blue. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm starting to wish I hadn't spent my kudo's. :(

Also I'd like to upload a beach lot I created but I'm not sure how to go about it. Is it like uploading screenshots but obviously with more info? And do I need to mention all the artists of the creations I used? Afterall their creations have helped to make the lot what is is today.


Neighbourhood Poll Results

Just letting everyone know the results from my neighbourhood poll. It seems that Pleasantview is the neighbourhood most played in. Bluewater Village came in second and Strangetown close in third. Belladonna Cove came in fourth, with Veronaville and Desiderata Valley equal fifth. Last but not least was Riverblossum Hills.

I'm not really surprised at Pleasantview being played in the most. After all it is a great town and is the first neighbourhood in the main menu in the game. Strangetown I have hardly ever played in, I think maybe the terrain has always put me off. I prefer the greener pastures like Bluewater Village, Riverblossum Hills and Belladonna Cove.

Thanks everyone who took part!


Pleasantview 50%
Strangetown 28.57%
Veronaville 14.29%
Riverblossum Hills   7.14%
Desiderata Valley 14.29%
Belladonna Cove 21.43%
Bluewater Village


New poll

Hi Simmers!

I have decided to spend some of my kudo's on a Poll pod. Feel free to vote, as it's more benifit to you guys than mwah. ;)

I was thinking of using them for a profile banner but I'm still in the process of designing one. I can be very indecisive so it may take me as long to accumulate the kudo's as to create a banner. lol

Happy Simming! :)

A good start to the week

One of my screenshots was featured on the front page today (yey!). Although I may have been fast asleep tucked under the warm blankets in bed my wonderful new friends on TSR let me know. Unfortunately I only saw it for a milli second. You will probably laugh at me (I'm laughing at myself lol) but it was really nice to see your own stuff up there and the fact that the thousands of people who use this site may see it.

Thanks to the ones for letting me know (you know who you are) and anyone who rated it and left any comments :)

Just imagine what I'm going to be like when I start creating? (rolling my eyes) I guess I'll get over it.....(thinking) naaa never!

Thanks again! This has been a great start to the week!

Yey it's Friday & I have Kudo's to spend!!

Finally my favourite day of the week has arrived and we get another day closer to The Sims 3! My weekend is going to be full of relaxation and probably eating (lol) as thunderstorms are predicted. Although this sort of weather is perfect for lots of simming time.

I've finally reached 3000 kudo's and I can't decided what to spend them on. Hmmmm.....a Poll, a Profile Banner, or Profile Colour Themes? A poll is always good I guess cus it gives the other simmers a little extra. But then it would be nice to have a profile banner....but how do you design your own banner? The profile colour themes is probably the easiest option as it doesn't involve much thinking.....just choosing. lol In the kudo's shop it doesn't give you an example of any of the colour themes, though I think it's meant to. Well I'm open to any suggestions that anyone has.

Hope you all have a great weekend everyone!  

Latest Headlines

The Sims 3 and a new car. I have a question or two? Neighbourhood Poll Results New poll A good start to the week Yey it's Friday & I have Kudo's...
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