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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

topaz27Sep 4, 2010

Hi Jen, How are things over there, is your weather getting much warmer now, I do hope so and I hope you have a fantastic summer there \:\) we are still enjoying some beautiful summer weather here, but I feel it's all going to come to an end very soon \:\( hope your having loads of fun with your game \;\) I'm exploring the world of sim hacks in mine, and so far I have found quite a few that are really awesome and worth keeping, yeah to getting rid of all those little annoying things that our simmies do to drive us crazy \:D well I do hope your having a great weekend friend and I look forward to chatting more soon \:\) (I will be away visiting family over the few weeks \;\) ) TC and have fun, lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

IllandryaSep 4, 2010

Hi Jen! Hope your weekend is going well. I saw that stuff on the my sims 3 blog the other day but it's a little too ornate for what I'm looking for - thank you for thinking of me though, I appreciate it! I'm in a bit of a grumpy, antisocial, defeatist mood at the moment ... nothing new there *lol* I've got three assessment pieces due in the next 10 days (two are due Monday) and I haven't even started them, I'm in a quandary over this next Veronika story arc wondering how I should handle it, and Merindylen is stubbornly refusing to NOT write itself, and spring has brought with it the usual seasonal goodies of hayfever etc \:D other than that life is all roses. Right, now that I have dumped all that on you (sorry, btw, but I really just needed to rant) ... how are you? Are you going to get the new world and stuff pack and expansion pack that are all supposed to be released sometime in the next month or so? I feel like EA are bombarding us with goodies at the moment. Even the shop has a bucketload of new things to download (although none of them really appeal to me that much).

YrS92Sep 3, 2010

Hello again\:\) Yeah, Cherry won't keep quiet, she is babbling inside my head constantly\:D My mum truly does check your blog billion times, she is much better than the blogger following page, she keeps me updated about your blog 24/7\:P And she would love to comment but while she reads English quite fluently, she simply can't write English(probably because of her old English teacher who traumatized her) so I work as her translator... Or wait a sec, working is probably the wrong word as I don't get paid for it\:D (and now she said that I get food in return of the translating) Anyways, I don't have any school today so maybe I'll get some writing done(and hopefully some cleaning too, my bedroom looks like a junkyard)... Have a great weekend too, hugs, Senja

PenelopeTSep 3, 2010

P.S. I've just noticed that you've updated your blog. I will definitely catch up on things over the weekend. Can't wait to see what's new with will and Eliza. \:\)

PenelopeTSep 3, 2010

Hey Jen, how are you? \:\) It's been a bit since I've popped in, and just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. It's late for me right now, and I'm a little scatter brained at the moment, so I'll keep this short...LOL! \:D Just wanted to wish you a great weekend! Chat with you soon. \:wub\: ~ Pene

YrS92Aug 31, 2010

Hello Jen\:wub\: Yup, all the other Gardens are gone now\:\( But the Garden name will go on with Cherry, she told me that taking the man's family name is way too old-school(silly girl, but what can you do)... Oh, I just noticed that there is a new update on the Drifter(or actually, mum told me... she loves the story and she has been checking your blog like billion times during the last two days) and I have to find some time to read it.. Soon, I'm dying to hear/read what happened to Eliza... \:eek\: And I will try to find some time for writing as well\;\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

frau MullerAug 31, 2010

Hello, Jennifer! Thanks for leaving a lovely comment on my screenshot \:\)

spitzmagicAug 31, 2010

((((Jenn)))) hey girlfriend, thanks for your wonderful comment on Adeline on my screen...I always love seeing them..have a great week...\:wub\:

YrS92Aug 30, 2010

Hi Jen\:wub\: Thank you bunches for the great comments you left on both chapter 24 and chapter 25, I appreciate it a lot\:\) (oh, and I noticed you had commented pretty much each of my TS3 downloads, thank you for that too) I guess the chapter 25 was -a bit- shocking, since in chapter 24 everything was going well and then out of nowhere things go really wrong... Blame the computer crash which led to reinstalling\:rolleyes: But, having learnt something from the numerous crashes, I had copy of Cherry in store so I could continue the legacy and the story... Have a great day, hugs, Senja

maxi kingAug 30, 2010

\:wub\:Hi there!Thank you for your nice comment on my pic!Have a great and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

fredbrennyAug 29, 2010

It's funny. The Tramonte Dorato is one of MY favorites. It doesn't get that many downloads, so I am THRILLED you like this lot!  Thanks hon!!! I apprecialte that immensly! \:wub\:

YrS92Aug 29, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) Just popped by to tell you that the latest of chapter of Gardener's Dream is out, chapter 25... If you aren't too busy, I'd love to hear what you think of it\:wub\: Have a great day, hugs, Senja

PralinesimsAug 28, 2010

Hi\:D thank you so much for your wonderful comments\:D im glad you like my stuff\:D i wish you a beautiful day\:D

topaz27Aug 28, 2010

Hi Jen, I got over to your blog during the week to catch up on 'Will & Eliza', what a fantastic read, I enjoyed it so much \:\) but how can you leave us with such a cliff hanger \:eek\: I need to know everything now, please can you tell me what is going to happen next, and I promise not to tell anyone \:D  I love Will and Eliza so much, they are such a lovely couple and I am now worried about them, how can you do this to us, it's so unfair Jen \;\) Ah well I guess your going to make me wait along with everyone else \:\( oh and by the way your pictures are all awesome as always, brillant work Jen \:\) well I do hope you have a wonderful weekend friend, TC \:\) lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:    

simromiAug 28, 2010

Hi Jennifer, I appreciate you taking the time to leave a nice comment on my Board Shorts for boy toddlers. \:wub\:   Enjoy and have a SIMply wonderfull weekend.  \:rah\:

Tyty30Aug 27, 2010

Hello, thanks for your comment on my sims George and Heather \:\)

Midnight222Aug 26, 2010

Hey Jen! What a brilliant chapter in the Drifter series! At last some action! (Im kinda over all the nicey nicey stories!) Where is she being taken, will she be harmed? Will she be saved or 'gasp' will it be the end of Eliza with Will killing her attacker (bet its Thornton!) and ending up in Simcatraz and forming a relationship with Brutus!!! (or perhaps a female warden lol) Cant wait to find out what happens! (Oh yeah please ignore my ramblings, my imagination sometimes runs away from me .... LOL)  Hope the weather isnt too cold for you .....its icy here on the MP with hail and freezing wind blowing off the bay. Those brief sunny days are definately ones to treasure. On and up note though our peach tree has blossomed so Spring cant be too far off! I hope you and your family are well. Best thoughts Kaz    

fredbrennyAug 24, 2010

I have to hop over and read the next installment of the Drifter!!! Yeay!!!   Thanks for commenting on my lot! It is a nice one (saying so myself...LOL)

spitzmagicAug 24, 2010   (((((Jenn)))) thanks a bundle for your comment on my football gnomes \:D they want to play with the big boys LOL...thanks for your compliment on my paintings...Fred taught me while she was her. I would have never been able to learn without her help. Between TSR workshop and photoshop. whew... there a tutorial that can help.....have a wonderful day Jenn \:wub\:

shaml_sim Aug 24, 2010

Hey Jen! Sorry I haven't got back to you in a little while, I do appreciate you stopping by. Yes, I am still keeping busy but I've also been sick the last few days. I must have had a tummy bug because I was not at all well on Sunday, spending most of the day in bed or with my head over a bucket, but luckily I'm feeling a little better now. I just caught up on the recent Drifter chapters and all I can say is fantastic! You have made your characters so lovable. I hope you're enjoying your week so far as well and hopefully the rest of it will be great, too \:D

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