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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

topaz27Jul 31, 2010

Hi Jen \:wub\:  I do hope your having a lovely weekend, I have sent you a PM, and I would like to thank you for leaving such kind and comforting words in my GB, I look forward to chatting more soon \;\) lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

Pippa22Jul 30, 2010

Thank you for commenting on my screenshot. The wedding was a great day! The wedding set from the sims 3 website makes weddings even better!

SimonkaJul 30, 2010

Heyy! \:wub\: Thank you for your comments on my screenshot. Have a nice day! \:\) Simona

Midnight222Jul 30, 2010

Hi (((Jen))) Thanks for your wonderful comments and support during this freezing time! We have been popping in a half wall to try and contain some heat from the little electric heater to cut down on using the ducted. At least it is keeping me physically active, the only downside is less time on the computer!  I hope you and your family are well. Best thoughts, Kaz

martoeleJul 27, 2010

Hello (((Jen))). Thank you for your lovely words on the end of my story. You just made my day. I'm working at the moment and my tourists have one hour free for shopping so I'm in an internet café. \:D working very hard,.. Lol So far, I don't have any photos of my storycharacters because I just stopped it where I stopped the story. I usually don't play with them. To play and investigate I use other characters but I have my beloved ones reserved for my stories. Perhaps in a month or so, I will be doing another story where my heroes eventually will show up. I think that the next story will be dedicated to Cynthia and family.... Have a great week. \:\) Hugs ~ Margo

IllandryaJul 25, 2010

PS - meant to say I love the new icon and banner!

IllandryaJul 25, 2010

Hi Jen! Thanks for the link, the white dress in particular looks perfect! I haven't got around to checking that blog this week, life has been so hectic, so I would have missed it. Hope you have a great Sunday \:D PS - finally got around to publishing the next Veronika chapter, it was a tough one!

PenelopeTJul 24, 2010

Me again Jen, forgot to mention the new EP. Yes, I did see the trailer and I am so excited now. EA is really cranking out the games, aren't they? That or time is going by a lot faster than it use to. Though it is a proven scientific fact that as we get older, time appears moves faster for us. For example, summer never feels as long now, as it did when I was a kid. \;\) Anywho, though I have no use for the Vampire aspect of the new pack, getting penthouses, a more urban area, nightclubs, the option to become a bartender, and the hot tub, made my day. I've already pre-ordered as usual, from Amazon. \:D Are you getting the new 'Fast Lane' stuff pack? \:confused\: I will be, just because I don't use CC cars, so my game is lacking cars (other than the store ones...and I did finally just get the two from that Dr. Pepper promotion too). \;\) Well, make sure you check out the official forums often (I never use to). I've been practically living over there since the EP announcement, just so I can keep up on the info. Plus, that's how I found out about the NVIDIA contest and got 500 free Simpoints, as well as getting the new Ford Fiesta car freebie too.

PenelopeTJul 24, 2010

Hey Jen, wishing you a relaxing and great rest of the weekend! \:wub\: Thanks for all of the super comments on my latest screenshots, and I just loooooooooooooove your new banner and avatar. See you over at your blog, soon! \:\) ~ Pene

PralinesimsJul 23, 2010

Hi jennifer\:D thank you fort aking the time to leave me such beautiful comments on my screenies\:D you made my day! im happy you like them! i wish you a wonderful weekend and a beautiful day my dear!! *KISSESSS*

IllandryaJul 22, 2010

\:D Neither, I'm the eldest! I'm definitely looking forward to Friday - 5:00pm on Friday to be exact. This week at work has just been manic and next week isn't promising to be any better so I really REALLY want my weekend *lol* I've seem the images for the Fast lane stuff pack and some of those cars look pretty spiffy. I remember seeing somewhere about "Fall" as the release date for the new expansion pack, so that probably means September/October? To be honest, I wasn't expecting another expansion pack this soon and wouldn't be surprised if the release date gets moved back a bit. It seems a bit unlike EA to release a stuff pack and an expansion pack together. Or maybe I'm just cynical in my old age? *lol*

PralinesimsJul 22, 2010

Helllllooo\:D i was searching on the internet today and they say it comes out in october! I CANT WAIT FOR IT!\:ph34r\: i hope you have an awesome day my dear and a wonderful week!!! *KISSEEESSS*\:wub\:\:wub\:

IllandryaJul 21, 2010

Hey Jen!! I'd heard the rumour about the new expansion but didn't believe it until now. I just watched the trailer and while the hot tub is cool - I'm really REALLY hoping that those new instruments are actually in the game!!! Not overly excited about the vampires 'cause I just don't get the whole vampire thing, but I'll just ignore that bit like I always ignore the creatures *lol* Week isn't going too bad, thanks, how is yours? As for the boys at work - they're all way too young or way too married to be interesting and I have three brothers, so I know how to handle them when they get annoying \:D

PralinesimsJul 21, 2010

HI\:D thanks for your sweet comment on my blog\:\) i  so excited! i cant wait for the new EP\:\) i hope it comes out soon!! i wis you a gorgeous day and a sweet week!!

IllandryaJul 20, 2010

Hi Jen! I know exactly what you mean. I work in a firm of engineers and sit in the civil team which builds roads and tunnels and airports - you can imagine how much testosterone is floating around THAT particular environment *lol* oooooh, I can't wait to see your new story/blog. I've been thinking about shaking up my design, too. All of them are just white on black, maybe they need a little colour? I don't know. As you say, it takes a while to play around with the colours and such.

flody888Jul 19, 2010

Hello! Thank you for the tip and names to pm. I'll give it another week or so and then try it. It's not an urgent thing and I don't want to bug anyone really. \:D Have a super week!!!! \:\)

MangioJul 19, 2010

Yes it was, sadly. Thanks for the idea, that could have saved me reinstalling & patching but then again i needed to look through my corrupt CC files which consumed a lot of my time. I got back into the game and i was glad everyone was smooth again. Yes, i agree Jennifer is a bit formal \:D School today... ugh! I got hit in the face by a ball in PE. Automatically my hands seemed to cover my glasses as the impact was around the eyes area, i'm glad i wear glasses and they didn't break. \:P Man, they'd be expensive to replace... My nose hurt for awhile but it's all cleared now. I probably deserved it seeing as PE is a total bludge to me. On Wednesday we have parent/teacher interviews which i'm dreading... i hope i don't get poor grades. Computers distract me too often. Oh well, i hope to have the first chapter finished on Wednesday cause there's no school as its been replaced with the interview. Yippee! Wow, what a long post. Have a wonderful day tomorrow \:wub\:

YrS92Jul 19, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) Thanks for the sweet comment on the Gardeners, so glad you're still enjoying the story\:D I'm actually planning to start my own blog, not sure about if I should move the Gardeners there(they said they are very happy at TSR too) or should I start a new story... I do have one quite interesting story to be told but I don't know if that should be told just yet.. It's slightly unfinished and considering that I have so little time to play sims at all, not sure if I should go for it just yet\;\) Anyways, my blog is still under construction so the Gardeners will stay at TSR for a while still(and yes, there is a wedding coming in the next chapter) \:P Have a great day, hugs, Senja

MJxoJul 18, 2010

Hi Jen \:\) Goosh its been ages since i was last on here ;/ I've been great and super busy lol. College over took everything and less free time for me. However, i finished college for the summer now so that would give me some catching up to do. I brought the Sims 3 Expansion Pack Ambitions the other day and i have been playing it non-stop lol!! >_< Anyways enough about me lol how have you been and what you been up to? Talk soon \:\) Mariah.

PenelopeTJul 18, 2010

Hiya Jen, hope you're having a nice weekend. I can't believe how quickly time goes by. Seems like it should still be Friday. \:D I know it's winter time for you right now, so hopefully the weather isn't too harsh. It's the middle of summer for me, and the weather has been so sweltering out, that you can't step outside without gagging on the humid air, or sweating....ridiculous! \:puke\: I'm really looking forward to reading your new story. Just let me know when it's out. Will you be putting it on your blog, here, or both places? \:confused\: You've done a wonderful job with you blog. I'll be sure to stop by and catch up! \:\) Well, my chores are calling my name, and I've some shopping that I need to get on with as well. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful comments. They are always appreciated! It's nice getting feedback from friends and fellow creators. Have a great week ahead and chat with you soon. \:wub\: ~ Pene

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